Divorces can be nasty; Divorce Attorneys can be nastier and with good cause. In some cases, the respondent in a divorce proceeding didn’t even see a problem in the marriage, they thought they were happily married and were taken by surprise when they received the legal documents. Then there are situations when the divorce was long overdue but the thought of the fight was just too much to handle. Infidelity divorces are painful and are usually denied by the partner involved in a relationship outside of the boundaries of marriage. When there isn’t actual proof, just an intuition and you need to know the truth to decide to either end the marriage or forgive. And in some divorces, one partner is far savvier than the other requiring a good divorce attorney, one with experience in family law and an established relationship with an experienced investigative company that can “dig up dirt” or “obtains viable information” for their case. Building a relationship between Law Firms and Investigators are beneficial for both sides and especially for their Clients. Divorces aren’t just between husband and wife, they include any children born within the marriage or children brought into the marriage, and any other family member close to either partner or child. Yes, it can get messy and yes, there are situations that require a third party for documentation of activities that would be considered unsafe or unhealthy or require paper documentation of criminal activity, civil litigation, driving history, property ownership or financial status. Your divorce may be amicable, but if it isn’t, don’t trust the other party to be fair with you, to put your needs before their own, to divide your assets 50/50 or to share parenting time equally, because sometimes the distribution of property or custody is challenged. Make sure you are well represented to prevent having to go back to court; Hire a reputable attorney and an established private investigative company
Many Law Firms place their trust in obtaining what they need for their Client in a divorce or child custody case to get a fair settlement in court with . We conduct the most effective and result oriented investigations because we utilize the most comprehensive databases, have access to sources that can obtain information not accessible to other investigative firms and are one of the few firms with an in-house digital forensic lab. So those supposedly never sent text messages that were conveniently deleted, or those late night calls when the call history mysteriously disappeared need to be analyzed can be conducted as part of your investigation, safely securely and discreetly.