The Top Questions On What Information You Can Expect From A Private InvestigatorWe get a lot of questions with regards to specific requests for various types of investigations.

Mostly:  Is it possible to get…

  1. A Driving History ~ Yes, to obtain a Driving History on an individual, we must have a valid reason to access the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.  EX:  Civil Litigation or Criminal Defense, Pre-Employment Background check (with authorization to release form signed by the Subject)
  2. Registration Records ~ Yes, We will pull the registration records while we are conducting surveillance to verify if in fact an individual is residing at a specific residence.  We will pull a registration record in the process of serving legal documents when the defendant or witness is dodging service.  We also pull registration records for a Civil Litigation Case to determine when a vehicle was owned by a specific person and/or if they are the current owner.
  3. Marriage and Divorce Records~ Yes, we can obtain copies of Marriage and Divorce Records.  Marriage Records are more difficult as you do not have to be a resident in the state you are getting married.  An example:  Las Vegas, Key West, etc.  When filing for a divorce, most states require the divorce to be filed in the state of residency.
  4. What is the Process of obtaining a Real ID?  Can you help me to obtain the required documents?  We have assisted multiple females in obtaining divorce records to show the name change.  With the Real ID being required this year, anyone who has a change of last name must show the path of the name change(s).  Here is a link for information regarding the requirements of obtaining a “Real ID”
  5. Can you find an Address~ Can you find a Phone Number ~Yes, we can find a person’s address and telephone number.  Whenever you apply for credit, have mail sent, or provide an address through an online application, that information is compiled and reported. If you own a home, then your address is public record.  If you own rental homes, then information is provided as either a situs address or mailing address.  There are cases where an individual is hiding their whereabouts to avoid court proceedings, warrants, and/or are just homeless tend to be more difficult to locate, but are not impossible.
  6. Can you locate someone ~ Yes, we have an excellent record of locating people, an heir, an adopted child, a parent who isn’t paying child support or just a person of interest.  If locating them is not for a legal purpose, we would protect their privacy and inquire if we can provide their contact information or if we could give them the contact information for the person looking for them.
  7. Comprehensive Personal Profile ~ Yes, we use the comprehensive Personal Profile to verify information and to build a foundation for our investigations.  Results differ depending on the state of residency.  We ensure that the individual’s privacy is protected as all personal information is truncated in the report.  A Comprehensive Report can provide current and previous addresses, family members, associates, vehicle information, voter’s registration information, business and corporation links, telephone numbers, emails, UCC Filings, Civil Litigation and Criminal Histories.  We can also ascertain if a death index has been filed on a social security number.  This type of report is very helpful when conducting background checks, litigation research, surveillances, etc.
  8. SSN Trace ~ Yes, we can verify a Social Security Number when we conduct Pre-Employment Background Checks.  Again, the final result is truncated for Privacy, but we can determine if an individual is linked to someone else’s SSN.  We have conducted multiple background checks where we have learned that an illegal alien has utilized another person’s social security number.  In cases where people are married, a spouse’s SSN may be linked to the wife/husband as they have obtained joint credit.  This is not an issue, but when an SSN is utilized by an unknown person, this is an area of concern.
  9. Asset Searches ~ Yes, we can obtain an asset search but there must be validated reasons to do so.  Usually Asset searches are requested by law firms for various reasons:  EX:  Pre-Litigation ~ Are there assets to pay for a wrongful death suit? Are there assets to attach for a civil suit? Is one spouse hiding assets prior to filing for divorce and not reporting the funds to the court.
  10. TSCM ~ Yes, we perform Technical Surveillance Countermeasure Sweeps for Private Residences, Commercial Buildings, small offices and vehicles.  TSCM are conducted as a measure of security.  Prior to any confidential meeting and/or signing of contracts, one party may want to ensure the area is safe and that there are no covert cameras and/or listening devices that could compromise the outcome and the topics of conversation are considered confidential.  We also conduct TSCM if there is an indication that a covert camera or listening device has been installed in a residence or office.  This is especially the case in a divorce situation.
  11. Digital Forensics ~ Yes, we can conduct spyware and malware analysis on any device, i.e. Android or Apple Phones, Desktop Computer, Laptop or any device that can connect to the Internet and can send and receive data.

Private and Personal Information is protected no matter what type of case we conduct.  We ensure that confidential information remains confidential, unless the case involves any type of litigation and untruncated information is required by the court or attorney.  Whatever question you may have we will do our best to help you find the answer.