hidden assets

The Top Questions On What Information You Can Expect From A Private Investigator

We get a lot of questions with regards to specific requests for various types of investigations. Mostly:  Is it possible to get… A Driving History ~ Yes, to obtain a Driving History on an individual, we must have a valid reason to access the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.  EX:  Civil Litigation or Criminal Defense, Pre-Employment Background check (with authorization to release form signed by the Subject) Registration Records ~ Yes, We will pull the registration records while we are conducting surveillance to verify if in fact an individual is residing at a specific residence.  We will pull a registration record in the process of serving legal documents when the defendant or witness is dodging service.  We also pull registration records for a Civil Litigation Case [...]

Unreported Marital Assets and How to Find Them

Long ago, believe it or not, a housewife was given an allowance to purchase household goods and groceries. Let’s say the monthly allotment was $200.00 and the household goods and grocery shopping combined came to $185.00. The extra $15.00 was put into a secret spot to be used later for whatever reason. Years go by and the “secret savings” amounted to over a couple thousand dollars. Only she knew about the money. It was hers to be used as she pleased, maybe a new dress, the beginning of a college fund for the kids or as a luxury treat. Fast forward decades later. This time, it’s the husband who has the “secret savings” but not tucked under a mattress or in a jar. He files [...]

When to Investigate AND When Not to Investigate

I am a firm believer in the phrase, “Life Happens”, referencing situations and events that you can and cannot control.  When decisions are made by others that personally affect you, you have two choices:  “Let it Go!” Or take “Action” How do you decide which path to take. I get that question all the time from prospective Clients. They want to know what they can do or if they should do anything. I am far from having the qualifications to provide professional legal or mental advice, but I am certain from years of being a professional investigator qualifies me to provide recommendations and share like case findings and results. To sit back and do nothing may be the most logical option, but if it causes [...]

There is Light in the Darkness of a Marriage, You Just Have to Open Your Eyes

We recently got a call for a request for lie detection testing due to a spy on cell case.  According to Luann, her husband of 20 years had been unfaithful for years.  She was certain he had installed some type of cell spyware on her phone so that he could determine where she was, allowing him the opportunity to meet up with his lover.  She also inquired into a cheating spouse investigator watching where he goes and with whom he spends his free time with.  She even accused him of stashing away money so he could spend it on his girlfriend and wanted a financial investigation completed.  She also accused him of employee embezzlement.  Her frustration level was high and she demanded immediate results as [...]

Telling the Truth vs Living a Lie

It all started with a lie detection test at .  It was a she said, he said situation with both parties confident their beliefs of the situation would clear the air and settle the turmoil between them.  What it turned out to be was something much deeper and emotional than either expected and the direction of their relationship took a dramatic turn towards a journey neither he nor she imagined. First, let me explain that a detection of deception test is quite different than what is viewed on television programs.  Nobody is asked any questions during the test that have not been thoroughly discussed prior to the test, so in reality, anyone taking the test knows upfront what they are going to be asked.  You [...]

Affairs, Assets, and Child Custody

What do a secret affair, hidden assets and child custody have in common? Everything!  understands that when something is not as it seems, it usually involves more than just one issue. Take for instance the case we worked that involved a wife, a husband, a lover, a bank and two children.  Sounds like a made for TV Reality show, and many times our Client’s will tell us, you won’t believe this, it could be on TV, or my life could be a bestselling novel.  And yes, the story of their current life situation could very well be.  It’s not the story, it’s not the events, it’s not the other woman or other man, it’s not the activity that in the long run we learn to [...]

It Pays to go that extra step in Investigations

Hiding assets in divorce is probably the number one strategic plan of someone with wealth to do. Hidden assets can be money, property or anything of value you want to keep from your spouse. Good financial investigators can find hidden assets. An asset investigation begins with obtaining information from the Client on the Subject. Investigative companies are asset search companies as they have the tools to delve into someone’s financial profile. If you feel your spouse or significant other may be hiding parts of their financial wealth, the best avenue is to contact a company, like Jackie was in the process of a divorce from her husband of 15 years. They were fighting over who was to retain custody of their three (3) children. Both [...]

Steps Away From The Truth

Sometimes a divorce is simple when both parties agree to all the terms and division of property. We never hear about these divorces. When you add children into the situation, it can become a complicated process. Parents fight about custody, the visitation schedule and child support. And usually when children are involved the marriage is broken by infidelity. That is when the attorney reaches out to for assistance. In these cases, there is a good chance that one of the partners is hiding much more than being unfaithful. It could be money; it could be pornography or other addictions. Let’s take a step-by-step process to determine exactly what is happening in a typical complicated divorce with children when one partner has found someone else and [...]

Investments aren’t always Investments

We have all thought “What would have happened….if”, and never gave it a second thought. But in our business, we never wonder “what would have happened” we think “what did happen”. We had a Client whose best friend recommended an unusual investment opportunity to her. She had dabbled in gold dust outside of the US, specifically in Africa with a small Investment Company out of California and had some pretty good returns. She had been bragging about getting a 35% return on her initial investment of $20,000 and then a 20% return on her second investment as well. When she received her second check, she was asked if she knew anybody who would be interested in turning their dollars into gold, and of course she [...]

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