Not all disability claims are workers` compensation-related, and understands how this fact can make a difference in terms of our approach, and our client`s budget. Most significantly, we realize that fraud is not always the focus of disability claim investigations.
When initiating disability investigations, it is important that we know if the claim is new, or if fraud is suspected so that we can devise the appropriate approach. When investigating new claims, our clients generally expect us to collect the pertinent facts by performing a variety of the following services:
- Claimant and/or witness interviews
- btain medical release
- Obtain medical records
- Arrange an Independent Medical Exam
- Court and public records searches
These efforts are intended to either document or eliminate suspicious factors which might be evident when a claim is initially filed so that the claim adjustor can make an informed decision. Based upon the preliminary results and whether a case is a long-, or short term disability claim, we may recommend subsequent investigation in order to determine if fraud is a concern.
Many times, our clients revisit old claims on a periodic basis, or they receive some information or indications that a particular claim requires investigation for potential fraud. In these situations, the experienced staff and premier resources of have made us the ideal choice. Our history of success in documenting disability claim fraud when it exists is why insurance companies consistently turn to us for their investigations.
Because we have the ability to perform a variety of services in all corners of the globe, we are commonly called upon to investigate cases where claimants have moved out of state, or out of the country. Conversely, as “”, we frequently conduct investigations of foreign claims from overseas insurers whose claimants have retreated to the USA in an effort to protect their disability fraud.
Listed below are services typically performed in older disability claims investigations, or when fraud is suspected.
- Activity check/standard surveillance
- Witness interviews
- Neighborhood canvass
- Arrange Independent Medical Exam
- Public and court records research
- Financial Asset Research
- Employment searches
- Research possible medical provider fraud
- Background investigation
To obtain more detailed information concerning specific disability claims,you may inquire online by clicking here.
Current insurance industry-related and legislative information is available from The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud.