

Divorces can be nasty; Divorce Attorneys can be nastier and with good cause. In some cases, the respondent in a divorce proceeding didn’t even see a problem in the marriage, they thought they were happily married and were taken by surprise when they received the legal documents. Then there are situations when the divorce was long overdue but the thought of the fight was just too much to handle. Infidelity divorces are painful and are usually denied by the partner involved in a relationship outside of the boundaries of marriage. When there isn’t actual proof, just an intuition and you need to know the truth to decide to either end the marriage or forgive. And in some divorces, one partner is far savvier than the [...]

Child Custody and the Unfaithful Wife

You were married and had children. You never thought it was even in your vocabulary to be asking someone to “follow my wife” or considered you have a wife cheating on you. But here you are talking to an attorney about your suspicions about a cheating spouse. He’s asking whether or not you have seen signs of a cheating spouse and all the ways to catch a cheating spouse. You feel numb and you know your eyes are glazing over – because while you loved that woman, your heart aches for your children. If divorce is inevitable, your home life will change drastically and so will the life you have worked so hard to build for your children. All of a sudden, child custody is [...]

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