
Do I Need to Hire a Private Investigator?

Life Happens…sometimes we oversee our path and other times we are influenced by choices made by others. When situations arise out of our control and cannot be handled from within, we reach out for help. can be that source to help with life-changing matters. 10 Reasons You May NOT Need to Hire a Private Investigator You are not Married or involved in a relationship You are not being harassed or stalked You have not engaged in a workplace relationship You do not own a cell phone, computer or drive a car You are not adopted and if you are you do not care to know your biological parents You do not have any children, or you have not put a child up for adoption You [...]


Divorces can be nasty; Divorce Attorneys can be nastier and with good cause. In some cases, the respondent in a divorce proceeding didn’t even see a problem in the marriage, they thought they were happily married and were taken by surprise when they received the legal documents. Then there are situations when the divorce was long overdue but the thought of the fight was just too much to handle. Infidelity divorces are painful and are usually denied by the partner involved in a relationship outside of the boundaries of marriage. When there isn’t actual proof, just an intuition and you need to know the truth to decide to either end the marriage or forgive. And in some divorces, one partner is far savvier than the [...]

Ostriches Don’t Get a Fair Deal in a Divorce

For those of us who have been divorced, we understand the process and procedures.  We know that we either represent ourselves (which could create problems during and after the divorce) or we retain the services of a reputable law firm (which prevents the pro-se issues).  We enter into a marriage full of hope and dreams and unfortunately, we are only in control of half of that relationship.  We enter into a divorce with the expectation to right the wrongs and in many cases, there are activities that need to be investigated.  The he/said she/said of the relationship holds little weight in court.  Documented behavior and actions are required.  Not all divorces are complicated, but in relationships that end due to deceit, hiring an investigative company [...]

Sometimes Wrongs can be Righted

In the midst of their custody battle, both Jill and Henry blamed each other for the breakdown of the marriage.  Neither would agree to move out of the marital residence and neither wanted to spend less time with their kids. Our objective was not to decide who was at fault, but who would be the better parent to be awarded custodial custody.  It was quite obvious joint custody for these two was out of the question.  There was entirely too much animosity between them.  There were implications of a cheating spouse, marital infidelity, hidden cameras, GPS Tracking Systems, eavesdropping devices and audio or video surveillance equipment being installed in the marital residence and personal vehicles.  The only common ground this couple shared were their two [...]

Don’t Do Nothing, Act Upon your Beliefs, you Could be Saving someone’s Life

John knew he needed help. He had given his son, Thomas every opportunity to turn his life around and yet his son continued on the same downward spiral and then blamed his father for his many failures.  They say a parent is responsible for their children’s actions and that good parenting produces good children. That is no always the case. We tell our Clients that children learn by example, but some kids just never apply themselves and nothing a parent can do to encourage them to be more successful or responsible makes a difference. And this is exactly how our case began with John. Thomas had some shady friends, although he had been childhood friends with them, he chose to maintain the friendship when he [...]

Infidelity is Not Just in Marriage

When the topic of infidelity comes up, almost without pause, people think marital infidelity. Cheating wives. Cheating husbands. But, in reality, the potential for a cheating boyfriend or cheating girlfriend is just as, or more, likely. Perhaps it is because there is less of a commitment, less of a financial investment that secret affairs are really less discreet affairs. Relationships between a boyfriend and a girlfriend can be as long-lasting and as intense as a marriage – and as difficult to break as a marriage. We know from experience here at that these breakups can be as contentious as the most hostile divorce. It’s not uncommon for our digital forensics and the cell phone hack detection or spyware detector services on computers to center on [...]

Traditional and Cutting Edge Investigative Techniques Required in Today’s Investigations

When you think about the various ways that some people lie, cheat and steal, certain activities make you immediately decide that a private investigator should be involved. Two examples … When one spouse sees signs of infidelity and suspects an extramarital affair, most of us think about a private investigator. We also think about hiring a private investigator when a business owner suspects his employee of faking a job-related injury and committing workers compensation fraud. But the client base at continues to broaden. We are not limited to certain scenarios where private investigators would be suggested. And so, when a well known company for designer sunglasses suspected a black market traitor in their midst, they contacted the police. But they also hired private investigators. Knowing [...]

Go to the Experts for Cell Phone Forensics

Remember the days when private investigators were depicted as the rather eccentric characters seated behind messy desks in seedy neighborhood buildings? And the majority of their clients were heartbroken wives who strongly suspected their husbands of having affairs? Through the years, that very incorrect stereotype has slowly eroded and been replaced with a much more accurate picture. Actually the private investigator of today is very often a technologically savvy professional with an assortment of impressive skills. Yes, there are still clients- male and female- who request surveillance and answers to their gnawing questions about fidelity. But also, a private investigator identifies the value of finding answers through the use of technology. For example, the cell phone forensic examination of a cell phone can often be [...]

Computer Forensics Fights Back

It happens. A disgruntled employee or maybe an ex-spouse posts a pornographic photograph on the web and claims that you are the person in that photo. Immediately, you begin to suffer the consequences of this vicious action. Something of this nature will of course negatively affect your professional life as well as your personal relationships. But how can you possibly fight back and clear your name? If these actions were taken on computers in your company or in your home, where you and your spouse both accessed them and you have ownership, the good news is that you have the opportunity to find the evidence you need to clear your name. Instead of immediately contacting police and waiting, your other, faster option is to contact [...]

When Divorce Threatens Your Financial Future, an Investigation May Level the Field

When Kimberly contacted , she tearfully explained that she was very sure that her husband was having an affair. At first she thought, “I’ll just follow my husband,” but after a few days of the cloak and dagger, she saw she didn’t have the time or experience to do it right. And, if she did uncover more signs of infidelity, what would she do with them? Kim and her husband resided on a 1,200-acre farm. They were surrounded by flat, open land. There was no way for a member of the team to conduct surveillance without being easily detected. After all, if Kim’s husband was indeed a guilty guy, guilty guys constantly look over their shoulder. In addition to the extramarital affair, Kim was certain [...]

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