There are basically two types of locates behind the various reasons to request them:
1) An attorney who needs to find a witness for a case, an heir to an estate or their own Client. How does an Attorney lose contact with a Client? Civil and Criminal cases can take months or even years for a court date and it is the responsibility of the Attorney’s Client to provide current contact information. If that doesn’t happen and a court date is set the Attorney needs his Client to be notified and with outdated information, that isn’t possible.
2) Personal locates to search for a family member, friend or a lost love. Lost loves are the most difficult locates, especially when the person being searched is a female.
Databases utilize credit information and public records for identification purposes and that information may not be reported accurately. When someone changes their last name due to marriage(s) or a personal decision to be known by another name the trail of crumbs become harder to identify. Years back, women took the name of their husband and the husband was the head of household and credit was usually established in his name only (believe it or not)! So, when searching for a long-lost love of 30 to 50 years ago and only knowing the maiden name, more than database research is involved. Even in today’s standards, when a woman takes a man’s last name, her database profile will likely be linked to his family name and information. Even after a divorce of many years, both parties of the relationship will be linked in databases for a long period of time, especially if they established credit together, i.e. mortgage, car or personal loans and credit cards issued in both names.
There is a multitude of pay databases available to anyone on the internet with some free searches. If you are looking for unverified information, this may be the path to take, but if you need accurate information or rely on quick results a good and reputable investigative company will have access to databases created specifically for companies who conduct this type of search. accesses the most effective databases to produce verified results. Top databases do not truncate information, but we make sure that nothing goes out of our office that would invade anyone’s privacy.
We do not provide personal information to our Clients, outside of Law Firms, that could get into the hands of the wrong company or individual.
Brenda McGinley ~ CEO ~ , all in InvestigationsAll in Investigations.