
Scam or Reality?

A man walked into my office and sat down at my desk to share his love story.  He had met a wonderful woman online from another country.  They had been communicating for over a year and he was contemplating traveling over 4,000 miles to meet her in person.  He wasn’t a rich man, he didn’t own a house, apartment living was good enough for him and his cat, he didn’t drive a fancy car or wear expensive clothes, but yet, to her he offered more than she could ever obtain on her own.  She wrote beautiful emails, quirky texts, and they had an account set up that allowed them to talk on the phone for pennies a minute and they talked every day at 6 [...]

How to Find a Witness, Heir, Client, Family Member, Friend or Lost Love

There are basically two types of locates behind the various reasons to request them: 1) An attorney who needs to find a witness for a case, an heir to an estate or their own Client.  How does an Attorney lose contact with a Client?  Civil and Criminal cases can take months or even years for a court date and it is the responsibility of the Attorney’s Client to provide current contact information.  If that doesn’t happen and a court date is set the Attorney needs his Client to be notified and with outdated information, that isn’t possible. 2) Personal locates to search for a family member, friend or a lost love.  Lost loves are the most difficult locates, especially when the person being searched is [...]

Is Your Surge Protector Housing Eavesdropping Devices?

We worked with an attorney who was convinced that his office, phone, or both were bugged. He was in the middle of a case and the “other side” seemed to know every position, jab and parry he had planned and was prepared to counter him in the courtroom. It was just too much of a coincidence. He was convinced there was some sort of phone tapping or covert surveillance going on in his office. He tried to do some of his own bug detection—looking under his desk, around the windows, pictures and door frames for something, but he found nothing. So he called us.  We did a bug sweep and lo, and behold, he was correct. Inside the surge protector power strip at his feet [...]

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