computer forensic analysis

He didn’t send the emails, but they came from his computer

Computer forensic analysis can range in scope depending on the case.  We get cases ranging from clients wanting to find deleted emails, pictures, etc. all the way to malicious software investigations.  As with all digital forensics, forensic data recovery is the most common request that we get followed closely by mobile phone spyware detection with social media engineering being the third most common.  The key to a successful computer forensics investigation is that a competent computer forensics expert be willing to explore all conceivable possibilities while performing the investigation. I am reminded of a case we had about a year ago where the client had an employee log into his email account from their office computer and download emails that were sent to some of [...]

I Now Pronounce You Husband and Ex-Wife

Statistics claim that more people are not getting married for fear of divorce and further state that 50% of marriages end in divorce. That means that one out of every two people will find themselves in divorce court or one of two people will know someone that has gone through a divorce or going through a divorce. After the “I Do’s”, come the “I Can’t Believe He Would Do That To Me”. We hear that a lot here at . The ”I can’t believe” is always followed by financial woes. Having been left is hard; having been left with no financial security is difficult. Many times we hear how the wife has to succumb to these facts. Our Client was unaware of their finances [...]

Correct approach to Computer Forensics

More than a few clients have walked through the doors of requesting their cell phone or laptop be analyzed by our digital forensics lab. Quite commonly the client is dealing with marital infidelity and highly suspects their spouse of a secret affair. The first questions we tend to ask in these cases pertain to the ownership of the device in question and inform the client that computer forensic firms in the US are legally obligated to obtain permission from the owner of the device and to follow a legal process for cell records in digital forensics. The same holds true for mobile phone forensics and during a cell phone investigation. A reputable forensic investigator should always gain written permission of the device owner prior to [...]

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Business’s Digital Security?

You wouldn’t be the first business owner to use their work email address for non business related tasks. Sometimes it might make sense to use your business email account during online orders, quote applications, etc. However, this might not be the smartest move. When you send an email anywhere the email will move through various networks. If the company your dealing with has lax daisy network security system you could in fact be asking for malware to be directed right back at your own network via email responses. There are other scenarios to consider as well. How many users and what type of privileges to the users on the business network have? Can they also send emails and if so are the emails monitored? If [...]

Investigation Protects Employees and Prevents a Major Bad Decision in a Small Business

One thing we know here at , is that when getting to the truth is a matter of importance, you have to call in professionals – and the sooner the better. Dina’s attorney wasted no time in referring the solopreneur to a professional investigator. In the initial meeting she explained the situation: She had been a solopreneur in her accounting firm for almost five years. Her firm was growing and she started to entertain the idea of adding a partner. When Brett walked through the door looking for a job, it was like he was tailor-made to fit right in with the firm and clientele she had targeted. He was smart, technically proficient, and charming. She hired him on the spot during his first interview. [...]

Are You Putting Your Computer at Risk?

Recent allegations that an Arkansas police department shared “malicious software” with a defense attorney in an attempt to infiltrate his computer and disrupt his work, brings something to mind that is important for business people and companies to know. The attorney demands that a computer forensic investigation be undertaken by a computer forensic expert. It’s a shocking allegation, and the only way to determine if it’s true is to do a forensic computer analysis. It’s not just shocking, as computer forensic investigators here at , we have to spread the word that it is so easy to be victimized in this way. Any time you accept something into your computer system, you are taking a chance. And I mean anything: Emails Video files Photos Software [...]

Legality of Digital Forensics Critical for Admissible Evidence

Right now there is a big controversy stewing regarding whether or not authorities have the right to seize computers at the borders of the United States. There is a “border search exception” regarding the seizure of physical objects from travelers and some say it should extend to computers. The final decision on the legality and practice of computer forensic analysis in that situation is still pending. What is not pending is that in order to conduct a computer forensic examination or a cell phone investigation, digital forensics firms or labs must have either the permission of the owner, a court order or subpoena for the device. That means that you cannot casually pick up someone’s phone, computer or tablet and bring it to a forensic [...]

Get to the Truth with Digital Forensics

You’ve probably heard by now that you can’t believe everything you see and hear on the Internet, right? But what happens when there is an image that is undeniably you or taken in your business or agency location that is being circulated? Case in point: A central Florida police department was the subject of a pornographic image that was being distributed via Twitter. Of course the police department released statements that it was a fake image, it created a PR problem. Through computer forensics it was determined that the image had been created using computer imaging software. What if it happens to YOU? Organizations can often get past the situation. Not as easy for individuals. When this sort of thing happens to private citizens, it [...]

Forensic Computer Analysis Can Uncover What’s Lurking Inside

Carrying cards instead of cash, well, it used to make us feel a bit safer. But no longer. Credit card theft has been a long-time problem, but now the thieves are using a new avenue and it puts businesses as well as consumers at risk. Several employees at the county courthouse in the northern Texas town of McKinney discovered that their credit card information had been compromised after they had had lunch at a local restaurant. The thief wasn’t an unscrupulous employee or patron who made purchases using their credit card information, it was a hacker. That’s right, a hacker got into the restaurant’s computer system and lifted the customer’s information. This is just part of an alarming trend in hackers infiltrating small business systems. [...]

Are You Being Proactive about Cyber Attacks in Your Small Business?

Small business owners have another growing trend to be concerned with in today’s online marketplace. Symantec reported that 30% of cyber attacks targeted small businesses. Not every cyber attack has to do with malicious threats or activities against a specific business or business owner. The fact is that some hackers simply want to cause a disruption for someone, somewhere. As forensics consultants, has seen a growing number of small business owners invest in computer forensic services as a regular expense of operations. This might fly in the face of what we talk about mostly – the use of spyware and malware to stalk or monitor the activities of others, but malware can also infect systems and networks and create complete upheaval – just for fun. [...]

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