Brenda McGinley

About All In Investigations

We are an international private investigations company based in Indiana with resident agents in numerous US cities, as well as countries across the globe. All In Investigations (). offers international and Indiana private investigator services for clients worldwide. Since 1960, our Indiana investigators have been trusted to gather information from all parts of the globe to help clients make informed decisions.

How Can a Private Investigator Help in my Child Support Case?

Child Support is ordered by the court to assist one parent in providing for the children born in a marriage or a relationship.  In one case we investigated, the father, Jack decided to stop paying support because his ex-wife had recently started dating and he felt as if the support was being used for her entertainment.  The children still needed a roof over their heads, food on the table, tuition to school, medical care and to participate in extracurricular activities.  Jack’s lack of contributing financially wasn’t due to his being an irresponsible father, it was solely based on jealousy.  He still maintained his rights for his weekends with the kids because he knew his ex-wife could not withhold visitation due to not paying support.  Our [...]

The What, Why and How of Using A Private Investigator for Your Surveillance Needs

One of the best compliments a Client can give us is to use our services on other investigative needs and/or recommend us.  Repeat Clients know how we conduct our investigations, they are confident that we will obtain the results needed for their case. They also understand there are situations when the Subject of the investigation is not active, does not follow any kind of pattern or does not show up for scheduled appointments, which in return does not produce the expected results. For cases where there is no activity observed, we make sure to contact the Client and recommend terminating the surveillance for that particular day and reschedule so that the agreed upon hours and budget are not used during an inactive surveillance period. Clients [...]

I Need a PI, What Do I Need to Know Before I Hire One?

Not everyone needs a Private Investigator, but when you do require their services, what is the procedure in retaining one? What questions do you need to ask to find a PI that understands your circumstance, gets results that are verified and conducts the investigation discreetly? The First Step is finding an Investigation Company that listens to you, a good PI will take notes of your conversation, give you recommendations, costs, turn-around time or if your case is possible. They will create an agreement for you to sign outlining the investigation to be accomplished, you may be required to pay a retainer up front. You will want to give them a budget and they should stay within that and obtain your authorization prior to exceeding it. [...]

Locating Heirs, Beneficiaries, Witnesses, Family and Friends

How difficult is it to locate an individual?  Sometimes just googling their name can produce results if that person is active on social sites, is well known, has been in the news or is deceased. If the individual is private, has gotten married and/or changed their name or has a very common name it becomes more difficult. All in InvestigationsAll in Investigations, dba is called upon frequently to locate an heir, a beneficiary, a witness, family member or a friend with whom contact was lost. There is a method in locating someone. It begins with good databases that allow an Investigator access to information that is not public or truncated for privacy. Locating starts with a name, a possible previous address, a year of birth [...]

How Can I Prove My Innocence?

Often someone is accused or alleged to have conducted an act, or been involved in an activity they state they had no part in, or they are blamed for words they did not say.  Many times, the actions and words of an individual can be believed, but what happens when there is doubt?  How can the truth be determined?  There are ways to obtain the facts.  Here are some suggestions that utilize in obtaining the truth. Polygraph Examination or a VSA (Voice Stress Analysis) to determine deception or non-deception. A Polygraph requires an individual to be hooked up to monitor three physical reactions, sweat, using electrodes attached to a finger, heart rate and blood pressure through an arm cuff and breathing through chest straps.  A [...]

Is the Information on Me an Error or Am I a Victim of Identity Theft?

Documentation: Official or unofficial require human input. And that creates an opportunity for inputting errors. Errors are a result of not paying attention, hitting the wrong key, having old information and/or not providing updated information. Below are examples of how incorrect information can be misleading. Example #1: Public Records: Recently we discovered that an individual who had no interest in a case was listed as one of the defendants when in fact they were the Registered Agent. They never received any notification from the court that a judgment was awarded against the rightful defendant and them, as the Registered Agent. Years later when conducting a background check upon themselves, this “error” was discovered. Although the judgment was small, the reporting error played a huge role [...]

Signs an Employee May Need to Find Another Place to Spend 8 Hours a Day

Signs an Employee May Need to Find Another Place to Spend 8 Hours a Day They arrive late for work They do not take pride in their appearance and show up for work looking like they just rolled out of bed They constantly complain about not having money and are always borrowing money They take too many breaks Their personal life takes precedent over coming to work They always look busy but get nothing completed They make excuses for their lack of productivity Their absenteeism becomes a pattern Their cellphone is more important than the office phone or their work Easily distracted   Reasons Employers Keep Unproductive Employees Cost and time of training a replacement Possible cost of certifications and education Personal relationship Small business [...]

Is My Employee Being Honest?

Recently, I have been focusing on reasons to hire a Private Investigative Company to assist in finding the truth or finding information that would prove or disprove an allegation or an action. It’s difficult to ascertain if someone is being truthful or dishonest in their words or actions. They say actions speak louder than words. In the investigative world, if those actions lean towards dishonesty it is our job to obtain documentation (evidence) they exist. In this blog, my focus is the dishonesty of employees and the investigations we conducted that presented the truth. Abusing FMLA, feigning injury and theft are reasons a company will call upon our services. We are hired to validate their claims. An employee can deny an allegation, but they cannot [...]

I Need to Hire a PI! What Can They Do for Me?

When I receive an inquiry, I know the person on the other end may have a lot of questions and most have never had to hire a Private Investigator. Therefore, I am prepared to provide them with the most educated and verified answers possible, and if for some reason I cannot answer a question, I then conduct research or contact one of my sources who can assist me. Life situations and circumstances are difficult enough and giving false information does not help the Client. I am asked if their situation is common or uncommon, asked how I would proceed, what will I do, how long will it take and if it is possible or not. I am upfront, honest and ethical and would never claim [...]

Do I Need to Hire a Private Investigator?

Life Happens…sometimes we oversee our path and other times we are influenced by choices made by others. When situations arise out of our control and cannot be handled from within, we reach out for help. can be that source to help with life-changing matters. 10 Reasons You May NOT Need to Hire a Private Investigator You are not Married or involved in a relationship You are not being harassed or stalked You have not engaged in a workplace relationship You do not own a cell phone, computer or drive a car You are not adopted and if you are you do not care to know your biological parents You do not have any children, or you have not put a child up for adoption You [...]

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