asset investigation

Experienced Asset Search Investigators Open the Toolbox

If you think asset investigation is simply going through databases and making calls, you are mistaken. Although an asset search investigator does his share of at-desk duties, the hidden asset investigator often has to get in the field and undertake a good, old-fashioned, gumshoe detective’s work. It doesn’t matter if we are simply looking for missing assets or trying to determine if one spouse is hiding money in a divorce, many of the techniques uses to search for assets requires work on the streets. For example: Sometimes we find hidden assets documentation or information that leads us to previously unknown assets through dumpster diving. Items, such as envelopes, notes, statements and the like, get thrown away but can provide a lead to stock accounts, hidden [...]

Outside Investigator Can Search for Assets and Answers in Family Disputes

When news stories seem to come out clustered around one topic, it makes it apparent that we need to talk about it. Just over the last couple of weeks, I have seen news reports or documentaries about family disputes and in both situations there were step-parents, siblings and step-siblings at odds with each other about the care of an elderly parent and their subsequent estate. is familiar with these situations. Sometimes a widow or widower is aging and becomes unable to handle their financial or medical care. One of the children is given power of attorney and siblings or other relatives suspect them of mismanaging funds and perhaps even the medical and daily care of the subject. Others in the family suspect they are milking [...]

Taking Them to Court? Search for Assets First

An attorney for a lady calling herself a reluctant landlord was on the other end of the phone call to . The attorney explained that she was one of the many people who ended up renting out a property she could not sell. That also meant she was not an experienced landlord. She had run a credit check and checked references from prior landlords and the applicant’s job when the tenant first applied. Everything checked out. She didn’t think anything about hidden money or hidden bank accounts – she had no reason. But after six months, the tenant lost her job and in the eighth month, quit paying rent. She learned quickly about the eviction process in her county and about what damage and mess [...]

Suspect Embezzlement? Hire a Personal Asset Search Investigator

We have talked a lot here in the ’ blog about being asked to find hidden assets in divorce situations, but we don’t want you to think that is the only time money is hidden away from the sight of others. Today I want to talk about another instance when we are called in to complete an asset investigation. An attorney representing a business calls when there is suspicion that an employee is embezzling money from their employer. When suspicion is aroused in the company, one of the first calls the company management makes is to their attorney asking for advice on how to handle the situation. When we begin such an investigation we might not be finding unknown accounts or even hidden bank accounts [...]

Don’t Let a Spouse Hiding Money in a Divorce Lead to an Unfair Settlement

Women are frequently very passive in their marriages, allowing the husbands to “call the shots” financially. And very often, women find themselves in the dark regarding family finances. If you anticipate divorce or you are already in the midst of filing or being served with divorce proceedings, this is absolutely NOT the time to sit back and believe whatever is said. Though the end of a marriage is highly emotional, it can be financially devastating, too. When it comes to financial settlements and property division, it’s not uncommon for spouses to try to hide assets in divorce. This is the time for you to take action to uncover unknown assets or missing assets. has a vast array of resources to find hidden assets. Asset investigation [...]

Asset Investigation Uncovers Unexpected Truth

During a divorce, assets come into focus. Spouses – both husbands and wives often take steps that could have long-term implications. If one spouse is hiding money in a divorce, the other spouse may be denied a fair settlement. On the other hand, hidden bank accounts or stock accounts that are subsequently located through an asset investigation could result in even greater loss than if the hidden money was originally disclosed. Take for instance a case in Tennessee. It was a high asset divorce case with a prenuptial agreement. The wife was accused of installing spyware on her husband's computer in an effort to manipulate emails to show he was guilty of marital infidelity and had unknown bank accounts. The pre-nup said she would receive [...]

Hidden Asset Search Investigator Plays Big Part in Divorce Cases

In our many years providing asset investigations and recovery services for attorneys and their clients, has accumulated volumes of experience and knowledge. That’s why we are known as a premier Indiana asset search investigator. One of the reasons attorneys are quick to call us when they see assets in divorce is because we are experts in all the ways spouses try hiding money in a divorce. According to, 80% of divorces involve one spouse who is actively seeking the divorce while the other spouse does not want to dissolve the marriage. Guess which one of those people will react with anger and resentment. Yes, it is most often the person who is being left behind. Maybe it’s just human nature to show your worst [...]

Would a Bug Sweep of your Business Uncover any Spy Equipment?

Just like an average citizen might ask who would want anything from them enough to take the time to engage in cell phone tapping, businesses across the nation might ask who would install eavesdropping devices or engage in electronic surveillance in their organizations. The answer is evident in a report from the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX). The report says that foreign spies account for economic espionage costing “the United States economy as much as $400 billion or more per year.” Some say that is grossly understated. Now that’s BIG BUSINESS – and not the kind U.S. business wants to see. Is your business being targeted? Corporate secrets and intellectual property are highly valued by competitors and years of research and development could be wiped out [...]

Discovering Hidden Divorce Assets Can Mean a New Settlement Agreement is Possible

Property division orders can be set aside at times post-divorce. It wasn’t too long ago that such a request was made in the state of New York. In this case, assets divided in divorce included a brokerage account with the infamous Bernie Madoff. The husband, who had given the wife a substantial settlement based on assets held in his name including the Madoff account, claimed that the settlement should be reopened because the assets were worth less than originally claimed. The case was discussed by Gale Burns at National Legal Research GroupAll in Investigations. The divorce decree order was not reopened for a variety of reasons including that the divorce occurred several years before Madoff’s Ponzi scheme was revealed and secondly, unexpected losses after dissolution [...]

Chances are Hidden Assets Aren’t Buried in the Backyard

I almost laughed the other day when I ran across an article providing instructions on how to bury valuables. At first, I thought it would be a humorous piece, and started to share it here in the office. But then we realized that it was a serious, step-by-step guide to squirreling away valuables in the ground so no one could locate hidden assets. Here at , we are known as a top Indiana Asset Search Investigator. We know how to find hidden assets through a statewide asset search as well as a nationwide asset search. We’ve even dabbled across the waters to locate off shore accounts and to find international accounts opened with the purpose of hiding money and other valuables. One thing people don’t [...]

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