digital forensics

Forensic Computer Analysis Can Uncover What’s Lurking Inside

Carrying cards instead of cash, well, it used to make us feel a bit safer. But no longer. Credit card theft has been a long-time problem, but now the thieves are using a new avenue and it puts businesses as well as consumers at risk. Several employees at the county courthouse in the northern Texas town of McKinney discovered that their credit card information had been compromised after they had had lunch at a local restaurant. The thief wasn’t an unscrupulous employee or patron who made purchases using their credit card information, it was a hacker. That’s right, a hacker got into the restaurant’s computer system and lifted the customer’s information. This is just part of an alarming trend in hackers infiltrating small business systems. [...]

Are You Being Proactive about Cyber Attacks in Your Small Business?

Small business owners have another growing trend to be concerned with in today’s online marketplace. Symantec reported that 30% of cyber attacks targeted small businesses. Not every cyber attack has to do with malicious threats or activities against a specific business or business owner. The fact is that some hackers simply want to cause a disruption for someone, somewhere. As forensics consultants, has seen a growing number of small business owners invest in computer forensic services as a regular expense of operations. This might fly in the face of what we talk about mostly – the use of spyware and malware to stalk or monitor the activities of others, but malware can also infect systems and networks and create complete upheaval – just for fun. [...]

Protect Yourself with Some Aluminum Foil

We can smirk about the people convinced aliens are invading who wear tin foil hats and cover all their windows with foil, but I’m here to tell you that there are some instances when aluminum foil might be a really good friend. Now, this is not a silly or trivial matter. No, it’s serious and it has to do with your money – and your ability to keep it in your pocket. And here at , we believe that a pound of prevention is better than a gallon of cure. In recent years RFID (Radio Frequency ID) cards have been marketed to consumers as a tap and go solution to paying at restaurants and retailers. But of course, if there is a new “quick card” [...]

Mobile Phones Recording the Best – and Worst – in People

While bullying and harassing classmates has been a long-time problem, today’s technology is not only bringing situations into the light of day, but providing evidence that is admissible in court. It’s not a “rite of passage” anymore. It is a criminal offense and can mean jail time. Last year an autistic boy in Washington, D.C. was tormented by his “friends” at knifepoint. They even made a video of the incident. Just prior to that incident, on a cold Valentine’s Day, he was lured out onto an icy lake and fell through. The “friends” didn’t go to his aid. Instead, they used their phones to make a video of it. Luckily the boy was able to save himself. With the evidence on the phones, these “friends” [...]

How Does Your Attorney Get the Answers?

Early days of investigative work usually included some dumpster diving and some physical surveillance (with the identified subject usually being a cheating spouse). But those early days in a private investigator’s life have dramatically expanded. Thanks to technology, investigators have developed an impressive variety of skills and abilities. In the office, our research specialists, computer forensics specialists, online social media specialists and so many other professionals are absolutely some of the top professionals. With that said, has a close professional relationship with the courts and law enforcement officials. Our confidentiality code, coupled with trust and respect allows our investigators to very confidently take on all kinds of cases. Here are just a few ways our investigators can assist an attorney: Locate and interview witnesses for [...]

GPS and Your Cell Phone Could Prove Your Innocence

Just like that popular TV show says, “You are being watched.” Surveillance equipment is evident on buildings, in stores, on streets and just about everywhere you go and most of it is in no way covert surveillance. Surveillance cameras are a double-edged sword. While some people are unnerved by the constant video of their actions and behaviors, other people, those who are falsely accused of a crime, are thankful for that video because it becomes evidence that they are not guilty of the crime. Computer surveillance and listening devices are now more likely to be spy equipment than the ever-present surveillance camera. People are more likely to be victims of covert cell phone tracking than video tracking. Yes, once again the wonders of the cell [...]

Regardless of Gender, Background Investigations Should be Comprehensive and Accurate on Every Subject

Statically speaking, we know that more males than females are identified as sexual predators. Regardless of gender, anyone who expresses an interest in working as substitute teachers or coaches or reading tutors, school corporations conduct thorough background investigations. Overall, in many businesses and organizations, new employment opportunities often hinge on the results of employment background checks as well. Accountants, pilots, financial advisors and potential candidates for a CFO position for large companies are all great examples of times when employee background checks, including investigation of a person’s financial, criminal background search and employment history, must be thoroughly examined. Although reasonable, that same level of diligence is not applied to the employment background check involving a female. That was the case when a young woman in [...]

Private Investigators Play Big Role in Detecting Workers Compensation Fraud

As professional investigators, we provide each of our clients with only the best combination of skill sets. Very proudly, we can boast that our investigators are long-time leaders in the areas of digital forensics including both forensic computer analysis and mobile phone forensics. In fact, our lab is one of only a few private, full-service forensics labs in the nation. But along with our dedication to mastering all of the newest technology, we also pay close attention to social issues and criminal activities which, unfortunately, continue to thrive. One of the fastest growing schemes is fraudulent claims filed for workers compensation benefits. In fact, in the most recent studies of this form of fraud, more than 45,000 active cases were active, involving employees pretending that [...]

Private Investigators Pull it All Out to Find Evidence to Refute False Accusations

We never know what the next phone call will bring us here at . Some of the most demanding cases have been those when someone is blamed for something that they did not do. It could be as serious as a felony where they face a long prison term, an accusation of employee embezzlement or a person whose spouse accuses them of marital infidelity. You can hear the frustration – and fear – in their voices when they describe a situation and ask: Have you ever been blamed for something you absolutely did not do? Have you ever been in the company of a rat, but no one else around you seems to also realize that the rat is a rat? Instead, he presents himself [...]

It’s Not Easy to be Forgettable, Even for Private Investigators

Everyone loves a new, shiny car, right? I mean, what’s not to love about a car that catches everyone’s eye as you drive by? Women are often just as excited about a shiny red convertible or a sleek steel gray luxury sedan as men. How about that great big truck with the fancy paint job and wheels that make you feel you can touch the sky? Isn’t that fun? And what about that new car smell… Cool cars and trucks might make your heart race, but for a private investigator, the primary descriptor goal of a vehicle is anything but showy – it’s forgettable. In fact, the goal is completely forgettable. Many tasks undertaken by are away from the subject’s eyes. Computer forensics investigations and [...]

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