missing person investigations

My Son was 45 Years When I met him for the First Time

Today there is no shame in placing a child up for adoption, it is encouraged and the mother who made the decision with the best interest of her newborn child is commended and her life goes on. She has nothing to hide or be ashamed of. In today’s society, people have babies outside of wedlock, some continue their relationship without getting married, some raise the child on their own, some seek assistance from their families and some make a choice to give the child a better opportunity and place them in a family environment. My Client became pregnant when she was 17 years old, a senior in high school with a boy she had been dating for a short period of time. Not only did [...]

Past Brought Into the Present – Finding a Missing Person

There was this story about a WWII veteran who had dated a woman a few months in London before he was forced to leave for the Battle of Normandy in France.  After 7 decades they were reunited with the help of each of their children. We receive many calls asking questions about one’s past loves here at .  Our clients usually try to find them utilizing a people search type of database that only leaves them frustrated with the results.  These types of databases have a lot of information, yet nothing is verified and it is somewhat difficult to verify if the person you are looking for is the person that gets pulled up in your search. Let’s take for instance a man who called [...]

Would You Immediately Accept that You are a Lost Heir?

Have you ever head of a “successional” or “probate” genealogist? Apparently, they do exist, at least in Europe, but the opposite side of the coin is that some who claim the title are con artists. Yes, that means there is yet one more trick coming to light. While investigators like are pros who know how to find a missing person or find missing heirs, the process undertaken by a successional genealogist is a little different. What is usually involved is a contract stating that they get 30 -35% of the inheritance if they can trace you back to an estate that is pending. Now, one story I read talked about a man whose grandfather had a great-nephew who died, unmarried and leaving no will. The [...]

Investigation Proves You Can’t Be in Two Places at One Time

In the investigative business, one day is never like the next. At , we happen to like the fact that we might work with a few insurance companies, to find the truth about suspected insurance fraud and then go directly to a case involving suspected employee embezzlement. From there, it’s not a bit unusual for us to then help an attorney locate a missing heir or find unknown heirs. We also frequently work with both sides of a court case. Sometimes it’s the prosecutor’s office. But on other occasions, we get a call from a defense attorney. Not long ago, a defense attorney contacted about a high-profile case. In many ways, the media had already got the ball rolling in regard to publicly trying and [...]

Family Secret Sets off Missing Person Investigation

is known as the place to go when you need to find someone. That’s because we know how to find missing persons. Although not a last resort, we are often part of a slim slice of hope; a tiny sliver that someone has held on to for a long, long time. For instance: The mother whose son left home 20 years ago. The child whose birth parents are a mystery. The man whose sister was adopted 35 years ago from a tiny rural town. The father who abandoned his wife and children. The grandmother whose grandchild was relocated to another state after the death of her child. We often hear an emotional story and are handed a few tattered photographs. The reasons are many that [...]

How Does Your Attorney Get the Answers?

Early days of investigative work usually included some dumpster diving and some physical surveillance (with the identified subject usually being a cheating spouse). But those early days in a private investigator’s life have dramatically expanded. Thanks to technology, investigators have developed an impressive variety of skills and abilities. In the office, our research specialists, computer forensics specialists, online social media specialists and so many other professionals are absolutely some of the top professionals. With that said, has a close professional relationship with the courts and law enforcement officials. Our confidentiality code, coupled with trust and respect allows our investigators to very confidently take on all kinds of cases. Here are just a few ways our investigators can assist an attorney: Locate and interview witnesses for [...]

Down to the Wire Fugitive Recovery Agents Look to

At , no two days are ever the same. We work to solve employee embezzlement We do our best to find missing people. We undertake investigations for medical malpractice lawsuits and personal liability cases. And we also work with fugitive recovery agents, or bail Time is of the essence in many investigations, but always in fugitive recovery cases. If their client skips bail, then the bondsman loses all of that bail money unless the fugitive can be located and returned for court. Obviously, bail recovery agents are always anxious for our help. They come to us as their last resort, so time is always in short supply. We use an assortment of investigative tools to fit each individual case. But for bondsmen, investigation often requires [...]

Would Just Finding a Missing Person Be Enough For You?

When Kim's son, Jake, announced that he was joining the United States Army, she wasn't sure how she felt about that decision. In some ways, Jake was fairly lost. He worked dead-end jobs for a few weeks then quit. He moved in and out of the family basement. She knew Jake was at least dabbling in some drug use. And so, in one way, Kim tried to hope that Jake would find the structure and direction he needed by serving in the military. In another way, she feared that he would be rejected as a possible new soldier, either because he failed a drug screen or because he was unable to pass psychological tests. Still feeling that confusion, Kim hid her concerns behind a smile [...]

Unknown Origins and Family Far Away Found in People Search

While serving the world community since 1960, has built an impressive global network with other investigators. We have also built amazing contacts in law enforcement and government. It goes without saying that we've had many experiences in our truth-finding missions. With the latest technology at our fingertips, can search countless data bases for information. We can produce surveillance video from a distance. We continue daily, to utilize the many individual skills our investigators bring to this profession. But recently, when the neighbor of a dead man came into our office, we were initially stymied by her request. The woman's neighbor, a man in his mid-fifties, had died suddenly of a heart attack. He was a Hungarian gymnastics coach, in the states less than a year [...]

What DO Private Investigators DO?

It’s not unusual for furious people to call or visit . They aren’t furious with us, but with a situation and that is the reason they are contacting us. And sometimes with that fury comes an intent that we cannot service. For instance, one man recently came in with a situation that had him in a blind rage. He was red in the face and yelling. He knew an employee was stealing from his supply house and he wanted this employee stopped. He wanted us to, “threaten him with his job and intimidate him into confessing publicly.” We let him have his say and then we told him we would not, could not do as he requested. He stopped and told us he thought that [...]

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