Monthly Archives: April 2016

Investments aren’t always Investments

We have all thought “What would have happened….if”, and never gave it a second thought. But in our business, we never wonder “what would have happened” we think “what did happen”. We had a Client whose best friend recommended an unusual investment opportunity to her. She had dabbled in gold dust outside of the US, specifically in Africa with a small Investment Company out of California and had some pretty good returns. She had been bragging about getting a 35% return on her initial investment of $20,000 and then a 20% return on her second investment as well. When she received her second check, she was asked if she knew anybody who would be interested in turning their dollars into gold, and of course she [...]

Is Communication Really Safe

In today’s world, there are so many avenues of communication.  We think face to face is the safest, as there are no footprints of the words we speak.  We fax because there isn’t a written line of communication, we talk on our cell phones without ever thinking someone else is listening.  We email without fear because it’s all done electronically.  We text our family, our work, our friends, even businesses private information we think is safe and only that person is receiving it.  Once we hang up, hit send or end button we walk away thinking our communication is safe and secure. That safe and secure world is behind us, we are in the 21st century and technology improves every day.  The same technology that [...]

When I Say I Do!

Marriage: 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Above is the definition of marriage, and into today’s society marriage can be between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.  The definition doesn’t define each person who enters into a contractual relationship; it just explains the participants and nothing else.  Marriage is more than a contract, it is a relationship between two people who come together believing they know each other, that the [...]

Insurance Beneficiaries and Forensics Data Recovery

Insurance Companies and Law Firms deal with very controversial subject matters.  And usually when we are asked to conduct an Investigation for an Insurance Company, we can be assured there is an attorney on the other side. We were contacted by a Major Insurance Company regarding an apparent suicide, the coroner and the police department both stated the insured committed suicide, but yet the family couldn’t believe he would take his own life.  There was just too much, they felt, he had to live for.  There was no suicide note, no indication that he was depressed and he was supposed to announce his engagement in less than a week.  He and his girlfriend had recently returned from a Caribbean vacation and become engaged during the [...]

Dirty Little Secrets Hidden on Cell Phones

Some people are very protective of their information on the cellular devices. In many cases, marriages end by them. I’m not talking about too much texting or surfing, I’m referring to those secret texts and emails, along with photos. If your spouse is hiding his or her phone from you, or has it password protected and you can’t gain access to it, there is a reason. Either they are required if it is an employer issued device or they are hiding something they just don’t want you to see. Let’s say you get access to their phone, you even have done some private investigation and learned their passcode and you still don’t see anything incriminating on the phone, but you know they are up to [...]

I Now Pronounce You Husband and Ex-Wife

Statistics claim that more people are not getting married for fear of divorce and further state that 50% of marriages end in divorce. That means that one out of every two people will find themselves in divorce court or one of two people will know someone that has gone through a divorce or going through a divorce. After the “I Do’s”, come the “I Can’t Believe He Would Do That To Me”. We hear that a lot here at . The ”I can’t believe” is always followed by financial woes. Having been left is hard; having been left with no financial security is difficult. Many times we hear how the wife has to succumb to these facts. Our Client was unaware of their finances [...]

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