missing person search

Missing Person Search of a Long Lost Family Member

Missing Persons oftentimes aren’t really missing at all; they have just decided to lose contact with family members.  Take for instance the case where a female family member, Georgia, took off and never contacted anybody in her family with the exception of her cousin, who had recently died and did not provide any information to any other family member at the request of the missing person.  Georgia’s brother, who was gravely ill hired International Investigator to find her before he passed away.  He wanted to tell her how sorry he was for not standing up for her those many years ago.  Georgia had accused her uncle of inappropriate touching and nobody believed her because her uncle was a politician in a small town.  His outward [...]

Call When a Key Witness is a Missing Person

One purpose of finding people is often overlooked. The average citizen doesn’t think about how attorneys find the witnesses they need for court. works with attorneys to find a person that might hold the key to their case. We know how to find missing persons who have knowledge of the facts in a situation. For example, Mary* had known Joe* for only about six months on the evening they walked out of his home and he was arrested. She had no idea what he was being arrested for and she wanted nothing to do with anything that had to do with the police. Immediately she quit taking his calls and when his attorney tried to contact her, her roommate informed him that she had moved [...]

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