
To Text or Not to Text

I have heard Client’s say they don’t answer calls from private numbers, they don’t answer calls from numbers unknown to them and they basically just do not answer their phone.  When asked why they have their phone they reply, to text, tweet, post and check Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google search, listen to music, podcasts, and whatever else they do with their phone besides actually making and receiving phone calls.  Communication comes in many forms and for anyone younger than 40, audio (actually talking) is the least type of communication used. I think to myself, well then voicemail should soon be obsolete and maybe we don’t need our ears or our mouths, but then how can girls take photos of themselves with puckered lips?  Now for [...]

Allegations and Accusations

Some of our inquires become cases due to accusations or allegations in the workplace, during a divorce or custody battle, amongst friends or within a marriage.  Words are powerful.  They can be uplifting or they can degrade and when someone has been falsely accused of an action or a rumor has been spread that holds little to no truth it is very difficult to prove otherwise.   Then there are the cases of he said/she said and that too is hard to disprove or prove.  If the Client needs to know the truth about a situation a Polygraph Test or a Voice Stress Analysis are two ways to learn the facts.  Polygraphs measure heart rate, respiration, galvanic skin response, blood pressure and other changes in the [...]

Oh, the Secrets a Computer Reveals in a Computer Forensic Examination

We recently had a client who came to us unhappy – and angry. The business owner was unhappy because he had lost a key employee in his company. But worse than that, he was angry because the employee had started a competing company and the owner suspected the new company was started not only while the worker was still employed by him, but using his firm’s trade secrets, equipment and resources. He just couldn’t prove it. At least not with enough evidence for his attorney. Of course, the employee denied it when confronted. Through a computer forensic examination, we were able to uncover documents and communications (e-mails and reports) that brought the truth out. The employee had started his new company before leaving the old [...]

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