corporate espionage

Corporate Espionage: How To Stop It In Its Tracks

This article is Part 3 of a 3-part series. The purpose of the series is to familiarize the reader with the most common indicators of corporate espionage and advice on how to combat it. This advice is a compilation of our experience at while investigating these types of cases. For a description of the differences between corporate espionage, economic espionage and competitive intelligence, click here for Part I: WHAT IS CORPORATE ESPIONAGE? To learn more about the root causes that invite espionage, click here for PART II:  5 RED FLAGS YOU’RE A VICTIM OF CORPORATE ESPIONAGE. Every company should have a plan or Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to combat corporate spying. Your SOP needs to be specific. It won’t help you if it’s fuzzy, vague [...]

5 Red Flags You’re A Victim Of Corporate Espionage

This article is Part 2 of a 3-part series. The purpose of the series is to familiarize the reader with the most common indicators of corporate espionage and advice on how to combat it. This advice is a compilation of our experience at while investigating these types of cases. For a description of the differences between corporate espionage, economic espionage and competitive intelligence, click here for Part I: WHAT IS CORPORATE ESPIONAGE? For this article, we are concentrating on low-tech tactics commonly used in corporate espionage. Computer hacking, surveillance equipment, and eavesdropping devices are probably found far more in economic espionage cases; but in our experience, low-tech spying is used with a high degree of success in corporate espionage. It’s cheap, hard to spot and [...]

Corporate Espionage: What Is It, How to Spot It and What to Do About It

Part 1: What Is Corporate Espionage? This article is Part 1 of a 3-part series. The purpose of the series is to familiarize the reader with the most common indicators of corporate espionage and advice on how to combat it. This advice is a compilation of our experience at while investigating these types of cases. Corporate espionage, also known as industrial espionage or business espionage, usually involves one company spying on another for economic gain. It is not the same as economic espionage, which involves nation-states spying on each other’s companies. For more information on economic espionage, read FBI Launches Nationwide Awareness Campaign at the FBI’s website here. In corporate espionage, Company A gains an economic advantage over Company B by collecting private information that [...]

Can I Help You?

It was a hectic day here at when the door opened and a small framed middle aged man walked in. He was a rather nerdy fellow with small eyes and bushy eyebrows. In his hand was a small box; 5 inches by 8 inches and he carried it like it was filled with precious gems. He walked right into my office, sat down and said, “I’m here to help you!” which I found strange, because I believed I was here to help him. When I asked what he could do for me, he laid the box down on my desk, opened it up and lifted a smart phone out of it. We both looked at each other with surprise, me because it was just a [...]

If You Are In Business, You Are a Potential Target for Corporate Espionage

What do you do in your leisure time? Watch football or motor racing? That’s all fun, right? Don’t kid yourself. Major sports are major businesses and that means big money is at stake. And when big money is on the line, there are also people who will do anything to “win.” For example, consider the recent “Deflate-gate” centered on footballs and Tom Brady. Now there is the Mercedes F-1 team suing a departing engineer for alleged data theft as he goes to join the competing Ferrari team. Corporate espionage and employee theft is limitless. It is not limited by content, size of business or geography. It is limited only by the aspirations of the person or persons engaging in it. Stealing confidential client lists – [...]

Are You Being Victimized By Corporate Espionage?

According to a recent article on CNN, the head of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, Randall Coleman said that the bureau has seen a 53% increase in economic espionage cases. To warn and educate industry leaders, the FBI has launched a nationwide campaign. In the article, Bill Evanina, head of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, said, “Economic security is national security.” There is growing evidence of threats from several different nations, which is part of the concern from the government agencies. Three scenarios highlight the types of situations of corporate espionage: Insider Threats. This is a situation where individuals who are familiar with the inner workings of a company or products are recruited by outside organizations. Sometimes these individuals actually “spy” on the company and [...]

TSCM Services Still a Productive Measure for Investigation

In today’s highly advanced technical age, very often the common person can conduct some research, click on some links, learn a lot in a limited amount of time and trace down all kinds of information. But of course, even in this age of finding a lot about a lot in a limited amount of time, still has professional access to data bases that are unavailable to the average person. Then, we also make it our business to remain on the cutting edge of technology, especially regarding digital forensics, forensic computer analysis and forensic data recovery. Even with technology expanding in those directions, some people forget about the need for Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, or TSCM. Some believe that the collection of cell phones, tablets and other [...]

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