Monthly Archives: June 2017

Verbal or Written Communications are Not Always Private

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, sometimes called TSCM Sweeps, debugging, wiretap detection or just plain old “sweeps”.  With the advent of cellphones, VOIP phones, computer Skype, FaceTime, go-to-meeting and the many other ways of communication, illegal eavesdropping has become easily available to those who are curious.  Google the internet for mobile phone bugging and you will find many “offshore” providers that sell highly sophisticated cell phone spy software for usually less than a hundred bucks.  Carefully read the advertising material posted on these sites and you will find that they guarantee that the spy on cell software can’t be found.  They provide a detailed tutorial explaining how to remotely install phone spying software on a target phone.  Electronic eavesdropping is illegal in the United States and many [...]

And If Hiding Assets Wasn’t Bad Enough, He Also Bugged Her Phone

It was on a rainy day in March when Cleo realized something just wasn’t right with her phone.  She had been on various websites throughout the day looking for ideas for her newest project and the phone kept getting bogged down; this was the way she described how slow the phone reacted to surfing the web.  She also stated at times the phone would get hot to the touch and the battery life kept getting shorter and shorter, even though she had made sure the battery was almost drained before charging it. When Cleo brought the phone to our office she informed us she was in the middle of a child custody case and was sure her ex-husband had a hand in the mysterious events [...]

A Good Attorney Never Asks a Questions without Already knowing the Answer

They depend on us, experienced private investigators, for the answers.   We are seekers of the truth, and that’s what the Judges and Juries want to know in order to make informed decisions.  Attorneys are only as good as the information they have to work with.   Sometimes their clients and the witnesses involved, have trouble providing exact accounts of pertinent circumstances involving the incident at hand.   Our databases and information sources are usually more sophisticated than the ones available to most law firm’s investigators and paralegals. In most cases, the information is obtained quickly. Our investigators are equipped with high-tech video and audio recording equipment that can memorialize statements and activities for evidence.  We have specialists on staff that are experts in the field of computer [...]

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