By: Bruce A Canal, CPP
Physical Security Expert
How many times have you heard after a workplace shooting, ‘I knew there was something wrong with him (shooter); he has just not acted right for months and it was a matter of time for something like this to happen.’ Yet, businesses still believe there is nothing to prevent workplace violence.
Proper training has proven invaluable in potentially identifying and helping reduce workplace violence. is prepared to train middle and senior managers to better protect their staff and assets. And, we offer an awareness program for all employees to understand the significance of workplace violence.
Our manager training programs are two-fold. First, we offer training for managers to look beyond the eight hours employees spend at the worksite. Second, we provide training for managers to handle a disgruntled employee at the time of an explosive event.
Many security experts agree, employees bring their “issues” from the other 16 hours of the day to the workplace. How can we quantify those experiences, and why or how do they affect the workplace? These 16 hours of the day may be just as important as the eight spent on the workplace site. Workplace Violence training gives the manager a better understanding of his subordinates and what motivates him/her to act the way they do. This training tool is also necessary for documentation, an important part of the legal process when addressing disgruntled employees.
When a potentially explosive event is recognized, such as an employee termination proceeding, or verbal disagreement between employees, provides skill training to diffusing these volatile situations. Using verbal tactics during an event or proper planning of a termination are necessary to better protect staff and assets.
offers workplace violence prevention experts to train your staff and better protect your organization. This training is a hands-on and proactive measure; it will empower managers to take control of their environment, reduce your company’s vulnerability to crime and will assist in attracting qualified employees in the future. In a recent survey, young graduates rank workplace security as No. 2 on their list of “what I look for in a good company.”
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