personal asset search

How Can a Private Investigator Help in my Child Support Case?

Child Support is ordered by the court to assist one parent in providing for the children born in a marriage or a relationship.  In one case we investigated, the father, Jack decided to stop paying support because his ex-wife had recently started dating and he felt as if the support was being used for her entertainment.  The children still needed a roof over their heads, food on the table, tuition to school, medical care and to participate in extracurricular activities.  Jack’s lack of contributing financially wasn’t due to his being an irresponsible father, it was solely based on jealousy.  He still maintained his rights for his weekends with the kids because he knew his ex-wife could not withhold visitation due to not paying support.  Our [...]

When I Say I Do!

Marriage: 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Above is the definition of marriage, and into today’s society marriage can be between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.  The definition doesn’t define each person who enters into a contractual relationship; it just explains the participants and nothing else.  Marriage is more than a contract, it is a relationship between two people who come together believing they know each other, that the [...]

Investigators Uncover That Supposed Failing Business Was Funding Thief

Sadly, Ryan and Zach agreed that their venture was well on its way to that proverbial ditch, where far too many small businesses land, deep in the mud of financial ruin. No matter how he tried, Ryan couldn't pinpoint where they went wrong. He had been managing the expenses and cutting costs. He had an idea of the money coming in, too. In the last year, Ryan had brought big clients which became huge money makers for the business. He expected to see relief. But Zach, who was in charge of all the bookkeeping, only shrugged and explained that Ryan's efforts were too late. Nothing could be done. According to Zach, he and his buddy were losing money every day the doors were open. At [...]

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