computer forensic investigator

Sometimes Wrongs can be Righted

In the midst of their custody battle, both Jill and Henry blamed each other for the breakdown of the marriage.  Neither would agree to move out of the marital residence and neither wanted to spend less time with their kids. Our objective was not to decide who was at fault, but who would be the better parent to be awarded custodial custody.  It was quite obvious joint custody for these two was out of the question.  There was entirely too much animosity between them.  There were implications of a cheating spouse, marital infidelity, hidden cameras, GPS Tracking Systems, eavesdropping devices and audio or video surveillance equipment being installed in the marital residence and personal vehicles.  The only common ground this couple shared were their two [...]

Are You Sabotaging Your Own Business’s Digital Security?

You wouldn’t be the first business owner to use their work email address for non business related tasks. Sometimes it might make sense to use your business email account during online orders, quote applications, etc. However, this might not be the smartest move. When you send an email anywhere the email will move through various networks. If the company your dealing with has lax daisy network security system you could in fact be asking for malware to be directed right back at your own network via email responses. There are other scenarios to consider as well. How many users and what type of privileges to the users on the business network have? Can they also send emails and if so are the emails monitored? If [...]

It May Start as a Joke, but Spyware on the Computer is Never Funny

Proving innocence and proving guilt are opposite sides of the same investigative coin. Here at , we are concerned with facts, evidence and truth. That’s the investigative business. That being said, good investigators are also experienced professionals - and, I dare say, experts – in human behavior. It is that understanding of how people react and what they are likely to do that gives us leads that others might not recognize. detectives are also steadfast in their objectivity, which is another sign of a professional. Objectivity promotes clarity and the ability to see past the heat of the moment. Derek came to us in a highly emotional state. The young man was trying to build a career in accounting and there had been “an incident” [...]

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