So you have IT working on securing the servers and other security protocol. Maybe you should check on what happens with “broken” and replaced hardware.

You might be interested to know that a vast majority of computers and electronic equipment (even phones) that are donated to charity or sent to a recycling center still have confidential and corporate information on the drives.

Computer forensic analysis can recover data even though users think the information has been “deleted.” In fact, in many cases, after completing a computer forensics electronic discovery service, uncovers evidence.

As a computer forensics consultant, can work with companies and organizations to develop a security policy and procedure in regard to retired electronics. That single step in your IT security program could prevent a security leak that would compel you to call to undertake a computer forensics investigation. Chances are that you would rather be proactive and establish standard operating procedures rather than being in a legal situation where you need a computer forensics expert witness in court.

Digital forensics is a growing field because information – even confidential and proprietary information – is stored digitally instead of in file folders on sheets of paper. Even if you consider old hardware has old information on it – do you want to take the chance that it could be released?

-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations