Workers’ Compensation Investigation

Hurrying Through Hiring and Skipping Background Investigation Has Consequences

Years ago, Bill learned his lesson, which is the fact that you just can't take anything at face value, especially people. Like all of those lessons that last a lifetime, Bill learned this information the hard way. It happened when he hired two new employees for the city courts system. There had not been enough time to adequately complete the HR due diligence checklist including background investigations, as Bill and his staff would normally do with new hires. At the time, the offices for the heavily populated city were grossly understaffed. The employees were all stressed out and overworked. All anybody wanted, at that time, were a couple of warm bodies to sit in front of the telephones and computers. As luck would have it, [...]

Workers’ Compensation Fraud Investigation Reveals Complex Web

works with workers’ compensation insurance providers investigating workers’ compensation fraud. Through investigative techniques and surveillance, we often can uncover the truth about claimants and their activities. But that’s not all. The company being insured can come under question. Are the employees and wages being accurately reported? Are claims being processed in accordance with the law? A workers’ compensation investigation can also entail investigation into the medical services providers. In fact, sometimes the investigation is centered on the medical services providers. If that is the case, the workers’ comp fraud costs to the insurance carrier usually increases substantially. That is because the fraud can include many patients and many different insurance carriers. One chiropractor in Pennsylvania was charged with filing fraudulent claims to several different insurance [...]

Workers Compensation Fraud Investigation Leads to Surprises

A recent California case reported in the Los Angeles Daily News proves that workers’ compensation fraud is not just about employees and their claims. No, in this case, the employer was revealed to be the perpetrator of workers’ comp fraud. The employer was found guilty of workers’ compensation fraud and sentenced to 29 days in jail, three years of probation and ordered to pay $110,381 in restitution for failing to accurately report employee wages. He was understating wages in order to pay a lower premium for workers’ compensation insurance. He also filed at least one claim during the time in question for an employee’s injury without paying insurance on the employee’s wages. is familiar with the workers’ compensation fraud investigation everyone thinks about – where [...]

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