video technology

Your Video May Prove Guilt to You, But Not in Court

Due to the constant flood of easily accessible technology, security cameras seem to be more plentiful than ever before: Many private residences now install security cameras around the exterior of their property. Business owners install cameras in work areas and building entrances. Parents with children often install surveillance equipment to keep tabs on the safety of their children with caregivers. Those constantly rolling cameras can often hold people accountable for bad behavior. But in the event of videotaping a suspected crime, people have a false security about their video skills. You might assume that you don't need the services of professionals like . After all you can do it yourself, right? After you read what goes into providing video evidence for court, you might just [...]

Catching an Internal Thief with Video Technology

Lifelong friends Jeff and Chris came to visit the other day. Jeff is a local business owner who built a successful real estate management company and Chris is his attorney. It was Chris who scheduled the meeting. Jeff really didn’t think it was necessary, but because he trusted Chris, he came along. The thing is that Chris had been working with the accounting firm that handles Jeff's books. He thinks he uncovered some discrepancies, but the accounting checks and balances seem to be in order. According to Chris, there is one common denominator in every record in question – and that is Jeff’s secretary, Margot. Jeff keeps saying that he trusts Margot – she’s worked for him for years – 13 to be exact and [...]

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