surveillance equipment

I Need to Hire a PI! What Can They Do for Me?

When I receive an inquiry, I know the person on the other end may have a lot of questions and most have never had to hire a Private Investigator. Therefore, I am prepared to provide them with the most educated and verified answers possible, and if for some reason I cannot answer a question, I then conduct research or contact one of my sources who can assist me. Life situations and circumstances are difficult enough and giving false information does not help the Client. I am asked if their situation is common or uncommon, asked how I would proceed, what will I do, how long will it take and if it is possible or not. I am upfront, honest and ethical and would never claim [...]

Sometimes Wrongs can be Righted

In the midst of their custody battle, both Jill and Henry blamed each other for the breakdown of the marriage.  Neither would agree to move out of the marital residence and neither wanted to spend less time with their kids. Our objective was not to decide who was at fault, but who would be the better parent to be awarded custodial custody.  It was quite obvious joint custody for these two was out of the question.  There was entirely too much animosity between them.  There were implications of a cheating spouse, marital infidelity, hidden cameras, GPS Tracking Systems, eavesdropping devices and audio or video surveillance equipment being installed in the marital residence and personal vehicles.  The only common ground this couple shared were their two [...]

Bugged and Confused

Your words are repeated, your private communications are known, your strategy is exposed, your business has suffered and you just cannot say for sure how this was done.  It can happen and has happened to many private individuals and businesses. There is information that needs to be shared between business partners, attorney and clients that need to remain in strictest confidence and yet, somehow somebody or a competitor knows exactly what is going on. We first want to say “mole”, but we know the individuals involved would also experience a loss if the information was shared to the outside world, so how is the information being shared? Cellular devices are common practice.  We use them for various types of communication.  Telephonically, emails, texts and we [...]

What Causes 33% of All Business Bankruptcies?

It isn’t uncommon for the phone to start ringing at at the beginning of calendar quarters - you know, January, April, July and October. We don’t always know who will be on the other end of the line – small business owners, financial officers, or sometimes an attorney. But we know why they are calling – it will be about missing money, theft by employees or employee embezzlement. That’s because quarterly reports are reviewed and something is found that isn’t quite right. Sometimes there is just a suspicion and in those cases, we provide financial forensic experts to thoroughly examine the financial records and processes. No one wants to think there is an employee stealing from the company. In other situations, there is obvious theft [...]

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