spy on cell

There is Light in the Darkness of a Marriage, You Just Have to Open Your Eyes

We recently got a call for a request for lie detection testing due to a spy on cell case.  According to Luann, her husband of 20 years had been unfaithful for years.  She was certain he had installed some type of cell spyware on her phone so that he could determine where she was, allowing him the opportunity to meet up with his lover.  She also inquired into a cheating spouse investigator watching where he goes and with whom he spends his free time with.  She even accused him of stashing away money so he could spend it on his girlfriend and wanted a financial investigation completed.  She also accused him of employee embezzlement.  Her frustration level was high and she demanded immediate results as [...]

Verbal or Written Communications are Not Always Private

Technical Surveillance Countermeasures, sometimes called TSCM Sweeps, debugging, wiretap detection or just plain old “sweeps”.  With the advent of cellphones, VOIP phones, computer Skype, FaceTime, go-to-meeting and the many other ways of communication, illegal eavesdropping has become easily available to those who are curious.  Google the internet for mobile phone bugging and you will find many “offshore” providers that sell highly sophisticated cell phone spy software for usually less than a hundred bucks.  Carefully read the advertising material posted on these sites and you will find that they guarantee that the spy on cell software can’t be found.  They provide a detailed tutorial explaining how to remotely install phone spying software on a target phone.  Electronic eavesdropping is illegal in the United States and many [...]

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