marital infedelity

Divorce Property Division, Are You Sure You’re Getting Your Half of The Assets?

There have been many songs written about “Breakups” and “Divorces” where one party is emotionally more affected than the other.  It doesn’t matter if love is lost, someone has an extra marital affair or life choices is the cause, one party may either be surprised by the decision or has seen it coming for a while.  When love is lost, the divorce may be an easy process, but if one party has wronged the other, there may be ramifications for the party who made the decision to quit the marriage. Like the old saying goes:  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.1 Men or women may be blind-sided when they are asked for a divorce.  They didn’t realize there were issues in the relationship; [...]

When I Say I Do!

Marriage: 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Above is the definition of marriage, and into today’s society marriage can be between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.  The definition doesn’t define each person who enters into a contractual relationship; it just explains the participants and nothing else.  Marriage is more than a contract, it is a relationship between two people who come together believing they know each other, that the [...]

Child Custody and the “Extramarital Affair King”

One of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce, many years after the divorce is final, is child custody. In some cases it is used as a way to punish ex-spouses. But in other situations, it is a question of the welfare of the child(ren) that is at stake. When an ex-spouse reaches out to an attorney about those situations, the first thing an attorney must ascertain is whether the child is being played as a pawn between angry exes or if there truly is a case for changing custody rulings. It’s very difficult to prove. So many times it is a case of “he said,” “she said. So, in order to make an accurate determination, attorneys call private investigators like . A child custody [...]

If You Think You Need to Talk to a Private Investigator, You Probably Should

Years of experience has taught a few things to the professionals at . And one of the top rules of thumb we encourage you to follow? Well, we suggest that if you're thinking that you should speak to a private investigator, chances are good that you should do exactly that. In our business, we've often seen that when a person has a hunch, it's for a good reason. Even if you can't quite verbalize what you think is out of place or wrong or not honest, always listen to your intuition. In the opinion of , that sixth sense or intuition or whatever you choose to call it … well, it's rarely wrong. Around our office, we have lots of respect for intuition. In fact [...]

There are Many Facets to Investigations Surrounding Divorce

Sadly, our society is far too familiar with the end of marriages. Divorce rates in this country tell us that more than half of all unions will result in divorce. No matter how unhappy they might be spouses often suffer as they struggle to disengage. Their families, too, experience emotional pain and loss when a couple calls it quits. Some spouses, however, are so committed to saving a rocky commitment that they will try every avenue before they finally give up. Very often, marital infidelity is that last straw for knowing when to throw in the towel. Our team at provides clients with the highest level of confidentiality and sensitivity. When we are hired to prove their instincts about a cheating spouse wrong or right, [...]

Statistics Show That Cheating Spouses Are Common

Because we’re big believers in utilizing as many resources as possible when you find yourself in need of information and facts, we wanted to share the following statistics with you: In 45 % of marriages in America, one or both spouses admit to marital infidelity 57 % of married men admit to being a cheating husband 54 % of married women admit to being a cheating wife 36 % of cheating spouses enter into a secret affair with a co-worker Extramarital affairs occur 36 % of the time during business trips 17 % of cheating spouses are having affairs with their brother or sister-in-laws. The average length of an extramarital affair is two years Only 31 % of marriages recover from infidelity Now if you [...]

Top 10 Signs of a Cheating Spouse

There’s nothing romantic about this, but nearly half of all marriages in America crumble and eventually end up on a divorce attorney’s desk. Reasons for a failed union range anywhere from conflicts over stepchildren in blended families to physical, emotional or verbal abuse, financial stress and, of course, marriage infidelity. Women are notorious for their innate ability to sniff a rat somewhere. More than 80 percent of the time, that intuition is right on target. But be aware ladies that 81 percent of cheating men lie their faces off when confronted. What if, no matter how many times he insists he’s not guilty, you are sure, right down to your bones, that you have an unfaithful husband? Take a look at these top 10 signs [...]

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