Long term disability fraud

Insurance Fraud Exposed in Surveillance Recordings

Every year, billions of dollars are lost due to people filing false insurance claims. Because that kind of loss tends to trickle downward, the rest of us pay much higher premiums. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest people in the world. They are the ones who torch their own vehicles and then insist that their cars were stolen. They set fire or hire someone to set fire to their homes and businesses. And, you guessed it, they lie about it in an effort to rake in the big bucks. Those who commit workers compensation fraud or disability insurance fraud to collect benefits also very negatively affect the rest of us and the workforce in general. Most of the time, a person files a false [...]

What is Insurance Fraud?

What do you think of when you hear the words, insurance fraud? At , we don’t have one description in particular because not only is every case we work on different, but insurance fraud encompasses many different situations. I thought we might take this opportunity to share some of them with you. Workers compensation fraud (WC) – This is over and above a claim for medical expenses. Claimants file claims alleging a disability that prevents them from working as they did previously. It can be a short-term or long-term claim, or even off and on. Workers compensation fraud investigations saves consumers millions of dollars every year. Long term disability fraud (LTD) – This has to do with an insurance policy. Someone buys a policy and [...]

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