forged signatures

I Didn’t Sign That! Handwriting Analysis May be the Answer

Forged signatures are not limited to the bottom of checks. Forged signatures on documents can have a much greater impact on the lives of people. In a recent medical liability case, a device manufacturer is under scrutiny because an official of the company said she did not sign the application and documents submitted to the FDA. She said she knew the device was not ready to be released for public use. A handwriting analysis by a forensic examiner can shed some light on the denial. The way a handwriting analysis expert conducts a handwriting analysis is through a comparison of minute similarities and differences in signatures (or written text). In the case of suspected forged signatures, the subject is asked to submit signature exemplars. These [...]

Using Handwriting Analysis to Prove a Forged Will

While a forged or fraudulent will may seem like a plot twist in a novel or movie, it’s a crime that happens more often than people think. For example, a home care aide who takes care of an elderly shut-in decides she deserves more money once the family patriarch has died since she’s cared for him more than his children. She creates a new will and forges the signature of the sick man to scam his family out of some of their inheritance. However, more often than not, document forgery of a will is committed by a relative of the deceased. The family member may feel he is entitled to more assets than what’s outlined in the will, or she may have a grievance with [...]

Handwriting Analyst Vindicates Parents’ Beliefs

Investigators are sought out during some of the more tumultuous and trying times in people’s lives. For instance, here at , we see… People who have lost touch with loved ones or want to find their birth parents Families in the midst of hostile divorces and contentious child custody cases People whose lives have been thrown into chaos by public accusations or acts of defamation Parents whose hearts are broken over the loss of a child, whether by their being missing or having died Once such set of parents were devastated by the death of their only son, Paul*. The circumstance was that Paul and his girlfriend had been found dead. The police determined that Paul had murdered his girlfriend and then committed suicide. His [...]

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