forensic data recovery

Ooops! I Deleted That!

Deletion of information!  Have you ever accidentally deleted a text message, or a string of messages or wanted to delete a certain text and you deleted the string of messages?  How about those photos you took and deleted them prior to downloading to a cloud or voicemail messages you saved for one reason or another and then deleted? In all these instances, whether you accidentally or purposely made those deletions and then you needed them, and they were gone, we can retrieve it for you. Sure, you could get a printout from your carrier that you sent and received a text message, or you made or received a call from a certain telephone number, but you cannot obtain the content of the text message, nor [...]

He Was Convinced He Could Beat the Polygraph

When Craig fell under suspicion of revealing sensitive company proprietary information to an arch competitor of his employer, he was confronted by the corporate security investigator, who had already contacted us at .  In an interrogation setting, his first rebuttal was to state that he had nothing to do with it and he would submit to a polygraph examination to prove his innocence. Craig had been previously requested to be polygraphed by a police examiner, who would examine him for pre-employment necessary to obtain a civilian position with the police department. Prior to the examination, he had googled “how to beat a polygraph test” and followed the directions on how to beat questions pertaining to questions prior drug use, drug dealing, cheating on college tests, the sale of [...]

7 Ways a Private Investigator can help your Law Firm Win More Cases and Grow Your Practice

A Private Investigative Company like works with an Attorney to obtain the best results for their Clients.  With over 1.2 million attorneys in the US and 80,000 taking the bar exam every year, the need for assistance in providing the court with accurate information is extremely high.  We have many attorneys requesting our services on behalf of their Clients.  An attorney must have the facts and many times, hiring an Investigative Company is the most effective approach to obtain pertinent information to present to the court. Consider the following common scenario: an attorney schedules a consultation with a prospective Client, but the Client’s story just doesn’t add up. Sometimes Clients forget some of the facts, but sometimes they are trying to be misleading. Many times, [...]

It Just Seemed Too Good: How An Employee Gained Unauthorized Access to HIPPA Records and Lost Her Job

Do the best you can, be kind and courtesy, have good work product and treat clients, patients and co-workers with respect, work well with others and be on top of your game.  All these applied to our Client, Amanda’s Office Manager Sharon, she was a team player from the outside and yet, things just seemed too good.   That saying:  If it’s not broken, don’t fix it!  So Amanda disregarded signs of change.  She didn’t notice Sharon was beginning to be a few minutes late getting to work, the phone rang a couple more times than necessary, the once chipper and eager girl she hired was more lax and a bit distant, but her work was good, so “don’t fix it” applied until one day she [...]

Gaining Information in a Divorce Illegally

Apps regularly pop up in divorce cases, experts say. Over 80% of U.S. divorce attorneys say they’ve seen a rise in the number of cases using social networking, according to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Sometimes it’s not the social networking sites themselves, but how they are accessed to gain information. With that said, let’s remember, there are legal apps that are helpful when you have an aging parent, a teenage child, or apps that allow family members to see every phone’s location.  These apps are helpful since everyone is aware they are installed on the phone. But what if there is an app on your phone that does more than show your location?  What if the app allows someone else to see [...]

He didn’t send the emails, but they came from his computer

Computer forensic analysis can range in scope depending on the case.  We get cases ranging from clients wanting to find deleted emails, pictures, etc. all the way to malicious software investigations.  As with all digital forensics, forensic data recovery is the most common request that we get followed closely by mobile phone spyware detection with social media engineering being the third most common.  The key to a successful computer forensics investigation is that a competent computer forensics expert be willing to explore all conceivable possibilities while performing the investigation. I am reminded of a case we had about a year ago where the client had an employee log into his email account from their office computer and download emails that were sent to some of [...]

They Thought They Permanently Deleted Files From Their Computer

Before writing this blog, I did some research on what computer users perceive when they delete a file from their computer. Instructions on how to delete. When you delete a file, it's usually moved to the Recycle Bin so that you can restore the file later if necessary. For information about recovering a file, see Recover files from the Recycle Bin. To permanently remove files from your computer and reclaim any hard disk space they were using, you need to delete the files from the Recycle Bin. You can delete individual files from the Recycle Bin or empty the entire Recycle Bin at once. Open the Recycle Bin by double-clicking the Recycle Binon the desktop. Do one of the following: To permanently delete one file, click it, [...]

When I Say I Do!

Marriage: 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Above is the definition of marriage, and into today’s society marriage can be between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.  The definition doesn’t define each person who enters into a contractual relationship; it just explains the participants and nothing else.  Marriage is more than a contract, it is a relationship between two people who come together believing they know each other, that the [...]

Is the Purchase of a Smartwatch Setting You up for Digital Forensics Services?

Who do you know with one of the smart, sleek, new smartwatches? Ohhh. So Cool! And so vulnerable to hacking. More so than a smartphone or a tablet. Why? A recent article in the Christian Post explains. According to a recent study by Dr. Frank Breitinger, associate director of the University of New Haven Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group in Connecticut, there is a “lack of encryption and an unsecure authentication system” in all the smartwatches they tested. In the study they tried to infiltrate the devices to get a variety of information such as emails, calendars, messages, health, fitness and financial data. In all cases, if the information was on the device, they were able to get it! Computer forensics experts like those [...]

It’s the Little Details That Come from Computer Forensics Experience That Breaks Cases Wide Open

As a full-service investigative firm, is the source for a certified computer examiner in the Indianapolis area. Our experience is part of the reason attorneys turn to us. In fact, it is our knowledge and experience that can really make the difference in some cases. For instance, we were tasked with completing a computer forensic examination on a work computer used by a person accused of providing confidential information to a competitor. The accused knew his computer would be submitted to us during a general information meeting. Our impression, because, as investigators, we are highly observant during an investigation, was that the subject was confident, almost smug, that nothing would be found on the device. It was a red flag to us. The computer forensic [...]

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