finding hidden asset

When I Say I Do!

Marriage: 1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Above is the definition of marriage, and into today’s society marriage can be between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.  The definition doesn’t define each person who enters into a contractual relationship; it just explains the participants and nothing else.  Marriage is more than a contract, it is a relationship between two people who come together believing they know each other, that the [...]

Finding Hidden Bank Accounts in Divorce

Tom and Carrie had been married for 18 years, had two children, lived in the “White Picket Fence” house and joined their neighborhood “Revolving Wine Parties” for the last four years.  Tom traveled a lot and Carrie was a part time stay-at-home mom and part time sales clerk at a friend’s landscaping business.  Carrie was content with her marriage, her children and her life until one day she received the following text:  “Don’t be an ostrich”.  Carrie didn’t recognize the number, so she fluffed it off as an accidental message meant for someone else. That Friday, Tom returned home from one of his trips early as he and Carrie were hosting the Wine Party at their house.  Tom was in a rather foul mood on [...]

Why Would You Need an Asset Search Investigator?

All too often private investigators are seen as those guys who are following people looking for sins and crime. While those may be how our clients interpret our findings, we prefer to think of what we are pursuing as facts and truth. For example, when it comes to asset investigations or a financial investigation, is not always trying to find evidence of mischief or wrongdoing. There are several reasons besides an ex-spouse hiding assets in divorce that someone might be interested in hidden bank accounts or off shore accounts. Here are some of the top reasons for hiring an asset search investigator or financial investigators: Assets in Divorce. Okay, so we had to start with the obvious, just to get it out of the way. [...]

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