computer forensic expert

Telling the Truth vs Living a Lie

It all started with a lie detection test at .  It was a she said, he said situation with both parties confident their beliefs of the situation would clear the air and settle the turmoil between them.  What it turned out to be was something much deeper and emotional than either expected and the direction of their relationship took a dramatic turn towards a journey neither he nor she imagined. First, let me explain that a detection of deception test is quite different than what is viewed on television programs.  Nobody is asked any questions during the test that have not been thoroughly discussed prior to the test, so in reality, anyone taking the test knows upfront what they are going to be asked.  You [...]

7 Ways a Private Investigator can help your Law Firm Win More Cases and Grow Your Practice

A Private Investigative Company like works with an Attorney to obtain the best results for their Clients.  With over 1.2 million attorneys in the US and 80,000 taking the bar exam every year, the need for assistance in providing the court with accurate information is extremely high.  We have many attorneys requesting our services on behalf of their Clients.  An attorney must have the facts and many times, hiring an Investigative Company is the most effective approach to obtain pertinent information to present to the court. Consider the following common scenario: an attorney schedules a consultation with a prospective Client, but the Client’s story just doesn’t add up. Sometimes Clients forget some of the facts, but sometimes they are trying to be misleading. Many times, [...]

No One is Ever Going to Hear My Conversations, Or are They?

Social Media: There are so many ways to communicate with social media, but if you break it down, your communication is either by word of mouth or the written word (picture). When you verbally communicate, your message is delivered and heard, then responded to or ignored, but you know right then whether your point was taken or rejected. In the written form, usually by e-mail, text, or some form of social media, it is derived from a device, a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop or a tower computer. Your personal information is stored in these devices, and sometimes the cloud…and no matter what you write, text, post somebody somewhere that you don’t even know may have access it. That’s the chance we take when [...]

Computer forensics with Inc.

Ever accidently delete a file on your computer only to try in vain to recover it.   Usually, a simple search in the recycle bin will allow you to recover the file.  However, if you permanently deleted the file (such as using the command Ctrl+Shift+Delete) then you won’t have much luck using the recycle bin.  There are available software that the home user can install that will provide a chance to recover the file but what if you don’t feel comfortable using such software or worse, the software did not yield the results you were hoping for?  This is where the professionals come in. has been in the game for years and employs its own forensics lab for both cellular and computer forensics investigations.  The main [...]

Are You Putting Your Computer at Risk?

Recent allegations that an Arkansas police department shared “malicious software” with a defense attorney in an attempt to infiltrate his computer and disrupt his work, brings something to mind that is important for business people and companies to know. The attorney demands that a computer forensic investigation be undertaken by a computer forensic expert. It’s a shocking allegation, and the only way to determine if it’s true is to do a forensic computer analysis. It’s not just shocking, as computer forensic investigators here at , we have to spread the word that it is so easy to be victimized in this way. Any time you accept something into your computer system, you are taking a chance. And I mean anything: Emails Video files Photos Software [...]

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