
Ooops! I Deleted That!

Deletion of information!  Have you ever accidentally deleted a text message, or a string of messages or wanted to delete a certain text and you deleted the string of messages?  How about those photos you took and deleted them prior to downloading to a cloud or voicemail messages you saved for one reason or another and then deleted? In all these instances, whether you accidentally or purposely made those deletions and then you needed them, and they were gone, we can retrieve it for you. Sure, you could get a printout from your carrier that you sent and received a text message, or you made or received a call from a certain telephone number, but you cannot obtain the content of the text message, nor [...]

To Text or Not to Text

I have heard Client’s say they don’t answer calls from private numbers, they don’t answer calls from numbers unknown to them and they basically just do not answer their phone.  When asked why they have their phone they reply, to text, tweet, post and check Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google search, listen to music, podcasts, and whatever else they do with their phone besides actually making and receiving phone calls.  Communication comes in many forms and for anyone younger than 40, audio (actually talking) is the least type of communication used. I think to myself, well then voicemail should soon be obsolete and maybe we don’t need our ears or our mouths, but then how can girls take photos of themselves with puckered lips?  Now for [...]

5 Signs a Spy Might Have Control of Your Mobile Phone

Cellular forensics is a term people are starting to hear and say in conversations across the nation. That’s because more cell phones are being targeted with spyware and cellular malware. Why? Because spyware and malware software is becoming more available and less costly through the Internet—even though it is illegal in the United States—and people can use it to monitor other people. It is not limited to corporate or political espionage or to people who are wealthy and powerful. When someone suspects their spouse or partner is not being true, or someone wants a relationship that the object of their affection does not want, they may want to spy to “learn the truth.” It could be your co-worker or a neighbor in a minimum wage [...]

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