cheating wife

How you can prove your spouse is engaged in an extramarital affair and Signs of a cheating spouse.

Extramarital Affair:  a relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse. After you find out that your significant other has been involved with someone else, you almost feel like there was a neon sign flashing above their head, it was so obvious, rear view thinking allows us to see things as they were, not at the moment. That Neon Light can be a variation of many signs, it can be the feeling in your gut when you realize something is different, something has changed.  Maybe it’s the lack of attention, or maybe it’s the extra attention being paid upon you so you won’t suspect anything.  It can be the lack of communication or the constant communication that allows him or her to [...]

Infidelity is Not Just in Marriage

When the topic of infidelity comes up, almost without pause, people think marital infidelity. Cheating wives. Cheating husbands. But, in reality, the potential for a cheating boyfriend or cheating girlfriend is just as, or more, likely. Perhaps it is because there is less of a commitment, less of a financial investment that secret affairs are really less discreet affairs. Relationships between a boyfriend and a girlfriend can be as long-lasting and as intense as a marriage – and as difficult to break as a marriage. We know from experience here at that these breakups can be as contentious as the most hostile divorce. It’s not uncommon for our digital forensics and the cell phone hack detection or spyware detector services on computers to center on [...]

Know When to Catch Your Cheating Spouse

With half of all marriages in America ending in divorce, it won’t surprise you, I’m sure, to learn that in 65% of marriages, there is a cheating spouse – either currently involved in an extramarital affair or been involved in marriage infidelity in the past. In many instances, even when you feel you have evidence to prove yourself 100% correct in your suspicions, cheating spouses may vehemently deny the allegations. If you have been together for a long time and share children and deep family ties, it’s very difficult to walk out on a whim. Don’t agonize and worry. Don’t try to second guess what is or isn’t going on when you talk to your attorney. has been in the business of private investigations for [...]

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