cheating spouse

Top Ten Reasons to Call A Private Investigator

Cheating Spouse Cell Phone Forensics Digital Forensic Analysis Find Missing Persons Surveillances Lie Detector Test Process Services Background Checks Asset Investigation and Financial Investigation Just to ask questions Since we offer free consultations and provide recommendations for services that will give our clients the best information for the least amount of money spent, we get a lot of calls to “Just ask Questions”.  We assist in solving issues and problems for business owners, law firms, corporations, insurance companies, and private individuals.  We may talk for a few minutes or hours on the phone or in-person so that we can create a plan of action, a direction to take, and discuss what we can and cannot obtain from our highly skilled sources and databases. First, we [...]

Sometimes Wrongs can be Righted

In the midst of their custody battle, both Jill and Henry blamed each other for the breakdown of the marriage.  Neither would agree to move out of the marital residence and neither wanted to spend less time with their kids. Our objective was not to decide who was at fault, but who would be the better parent to be awarded custodial custody.  It was quite obvious joint custody for these two was out of the question.  There was entirely too much animosity between them.  There were implications of a cheating spouse, marital infidelity, hidden cameras, GPS Tracking Systems, eavesdropping devices and audio or video surveillance equipment being installed in the marital residence and personal vehicles.  The only common ground this couple shared were their two [...]

How you can prove your spouse is engaged in an extramarital affair and Signs of a cheating spouse.

Extramarital Affair:  a relationship between a married person and someone other than their spouse. After you find out that your significant other has been involved with someone else, you almost feel like there was a neon sign flashing above their head, it was so obvious, rear view thinking allows us to see things as they were, not at the moment. That Neon Light can be a variation of many signs, it can be the feeling in your gut when you realize something is different, something has changed.  Maybe it’s the lack of attention, or maybe it’s the extra attention being paid upon you so you won’t suspect anything.  It can be the lack of communication or the constant communication that allows him or her to [...]

Don’t Do Nothing, Act Upon your Beliefs, you Could be Saving someone’s Life

John knew he needed help. He had given his son, Thomas every opportunity to turn his life around and yet his son continued on the same downward spiral and then blamed his father for his many failures.  They say a parent is responsible for their children’s actions and that good parenting produces good children. That is no always the case. We tell our Clients that children learn by example, but some kids just never apply themselves and nothing a parent can do to encourage them to be more successful or responsible makes a difference. And this is exactly how our case began with John. Thomas had some shady friends, although he had been childhood friends with them, he chose to maintain the friendship when he [...]

You think it’s just a bump in the road, when in fact, it’s a full fledge road block

Mary would drive home every night from work with a heavy heart and so many thoughts running through her mind. Every night she wondered what time her husband would arrive home, would he be waiting for her or her waiting for him. It was a dreadful game she played with herself. For the last year and a half of her fifteen year marriage, Mary kept the thought of that little bump in the road to herself hoping it wouldn’t get any bigger, but that wouldn’t be the case for her. Mary felt she was dealing with an unfaithful husband and didn’t want to believe he could be a cheating spouse. An attorney friend recommended Mary to meet with to determine if in fact her “loving” [...]

Child Custody and the “Extramarital Affair King”

One of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce, many years after the divorce is final, is child custody. In some cases it is used as a way to punish ex-spouses. But in other situations, it is a question of the welfare of the child(ren) that is at stake. When an ex-spouse reaches out to an attorney about those situations, the first thing an attorney must ascertain is whether the child is being played as a pawn between angry exes or if there truly is a case for changing custody rulings. It’s very difficult to prove. So many times it is a case of “he said,” “she said. So, in order to make an accurate determination, attorneys call private investigators like . A child custody [...]

Infidelity is Not Just in Marriage

When the topic of infidelity comes up, almost without pause, people think marital infidelity. Cheating wives. Cheating husbands. But, in reality, the potential for a cheating boyfriend or cheating girlfriend is just as, or more, likely. Perhaps it is because there is less of a commitment, less of a financial investment that secret affairs are really less discreet affairs. Relationships between a boyfriend and a girlfriend can be as long-lasting and as intense as a marriage – and as difficult to break as a marriage. We know from experience here at that these breakups can be as contentious as the most hostile divorce. It’s not uncommon for our digital forensics and the cell phone hack detection or spyware detector services on computers to center on [...]

Know When to Catch Your Cheating Spouse

With half of all marriages in America ending in divorce, it won’t surprise you, I’m sure, to learn that in 65% of marriages, there is a cheating spouse – either currently involved in an extramarital affair or been involved in marriage infidelity in the past. In many instances, even when you feel you have evidence to prove yourself 100% correct in your suspicions, cheating spouses may vehemently deny the allegations. If you have been together for a long time and share children and deep family ties, it’s very difficult to walk out on a whim. Don’t agonize and worry. Don’t try to second guess what is or isn’t going on when you talk to your attorney. has been in the business of private investigations for [...]

Child Custody and the Unfaithful Wife

You were married and had children. You never thought it was even in your vocabulary to be asking someone to “follow my wife” or considered you have a wife cheating on you. But here you are talking to an attorney about your suspicions about a cheating spouse. He’s asking whether or not you have seen signs of a cheating spouse and all the ways to catch a cheating spouse. You feel numb and you know your eyes are glazing over – because while you loved that woman, your heart aches for your children. If divorce is inevitable, your home life will change drastically and so will the life you have worked so hard to build for your children. All of a sudden, child custody is [...]

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