cell phone forensics

Computer Forensics – A Powerful Tool in Investigations

Long before there were computers, internet connection and mobile phones, words were written by hand, pen/pencil and paper. If you made a mistake you would wad up the paper, throw it in the trash and start all over again, or use your trusty eraser and change the wording. Or you could use your “typewriter” and type a letter, same applied, if you made a mistake you would rip the paper out, roll in a new sheet and start all over. And if you had to research anything, you headed off to the library and conducted manual searches. If you didn’t check out a book, no one knew that you even opened up a book or copied the information. What you did on pen and paper [...]

Is the Purchase of a Smartwatch Setting You up for Digital Forensics Services?

Who do you know with one of the smart, sleek, new smartwatches? Ohhh. So Cool! And so vulnerable to hacking. More so than a smartphone or a tablet. Why? A recent article in the Christian Post explains. According to a recent study by Dr. Frank Breitinger, associate director of the University of New Haven Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group in Connecticut, there is a “lack of encryption and an unsecure authentication system” in all the smartwatches they tested. In the study they tried to infiltrate the devices to get a variety of information such as emails, calendars, messages, health, fitness and financial data. In all cases, if the information was on the device, they were able to get it! Computer forensics experts like those [...]

Are You Aware of What You’re Leaving on That Sim Card?

The good old factory reset has done enough for you to get rid of that old phone, right? NOTHING could be less true! And that could be enough to bring your business, your marriage or your financial life down for good. Let me explain. So many people are willing to donate – or sell – their old phones when the newest version arrives on their doorstep. The cellphone expert here at knows that all he has to do is run a little sim card forensics and he can collect all sorts of data from that donated phone. And it’s not just a jumble of code, no, it’s phone numbers, names, messages and personal information. There was a blog post we stumbled across online where a [...]

Cell Phone Forensics and the Little Thumbprint

Here at we conduct a lot of mobile device forensics. We have included cellular location evidence in our findings and used cellular tower triangulation, too. Of course, cell phone spying is a continuing issue and we do a lot of cell phone hack detection and removal of the mobile spy. Wireless forensics include cell phone records analysis and cell phone tracking. We take pride in the fact that we are on the cutting edge and have so much experience that we have “seen it all.” That’s why when we read an article about a group of armed robbers on the rampage in the Cleveland area and saw how cell phone forensics were used to catch them we were not surprised. One of the robbers was [...]

Not All Office Spying is About Corporate Espionage

Many times, our clients are flabbergasted after we conduct a very confidential TSCM sweep of their offices. When TSCM services are combined with digital forensics, the findings catch them by surprise. It’s not uncommon for IT departments to be asked to monitor employee’s habits in surfing the Internet. Today with so much of the business world transacting business through the Internet, monitoring has been reduced to applying restrictions and developing Internet use policies. What Sort of Investigation? One C-level executive had a problem and contacted directly. He was a little uncertain about what he wanted. There was a female admin who was giving him some weird vibes. So much so that he went to personnel to find out where she had worked previously because he [...]

Is Using Surveillance Equipment Good or Bad?

If you watch TV at all, you hear continual references to closed circuit TV. In fact, if you spend time in the UK or other European countries you will see them everywhere. We realize that makes some people feel uneasy, but there are two sides to surveillance equipment. The Crime Prevention Side of Surveillance Equipment Not sure if I should call it crime prevention because it only seems to deter those who respect the law to begin with, but cameras can be installed inside and around public space and places of business to: Record evidence of theft and other wrongdoing such as vandalism. Authorities routinely use CC TV recordings to identify robbers and submit images to the public for help in apprehending the perpetrators. Employers [...]

Legality of Digital Forensics Critical for Admissible Evidence

Right now there is a big controversy stewing regarding whether or not authorities have the right to seize computers at the borders of the United States. There is a “border search exception” regarding the seizure of physical objects from travelers and some say it should extend to computers. The final decision on the legality and practice of computer forensic analysis in that situation is still pending. What is not pending is that in order to conduct a computer forensic examination or a cell phone investigation, digital forensics firms or labs must have either the permission of the owner, a court order or subpoena for the device. That means that you cannot casually pick up someone’s phone, computer or tablet and bring it to a forensic [...]

Mobile Phones Recording the Best – and Worst – in People

While bullying and harassing classmates has been a long-time problem, today’s technology is not only bringing situations into the light of day, but providing evidence that is admissible in court. It’s not a “rite of passage” anymore. It is a criminal offense and can mean jail time. Last year an autistic boy in Washington, D.C. was tormented by his “friends” at knifepoint. They even made a video of the incident. Just prior to that incident, on a cold Valentine’s Day, he was lured out onto an icy lake and fell through. The “friends” didn’t go to his aid. Instead, they used their phones to make a video of it. Luckily the boy was able to save himself. With the evidence on the phones, these “friends” [...]

Investigator’s Special Tools: The Cell Phone and Cell Phone Forensics

We never like these stories, but they happen. As professionals, all of us here at know that the cell phone has become one of the most productive tools in the investigator’s toolbox. This is why forensic mobile services has exploded: Earlier in the year a nursing student went missing from school in Oklahoma. She had told family that she was coming home for a visit but she never arrived. Foul play is always on the table in these situations and parents, friends and siblings play out all the awful scenarios in their minds. After days the young woman was still missing. No sightings and no leads. But authorities had a cellphone witness – her cell phone. More precisely, they had a ping witness. Through specialized [...]

Accusations Proved False with Investigator’s Facts and Evidence

In every professional capacity, staff gathers the truth. But quite often, the general public assumes that the majority of our time is spent finding hidden divorce assets and proving workers compensation fraud. Because of our stellar reputation with lawyers, a defense attorney and his client appeared in our office, desperate for our assistance. The client, Jon (name changed), was a well-known professional athlete who had been arrested and charged with rape. To make the matter even worse, the victim was a minor female, age 17. As you can probably guess, the media was in a frenzy. Jon and his defense attorney requested assistance from our office, to prove Jon’s innocence. Jon admitted that yes, he briefly attended a party where he met and spoke with [...]

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