cell phone bug

Electronic Bugs And Listening Devices, Are They Tracking You?

Technical Sweep Countermeasures (TSCM).  We have many Clients who call for a TSCM service to ensure their home or office are safe to discuss private conversations.  A TSCM sweep is conducted to determine if there are any covert (not openly acknowledge or displayed) audio or video devices within a home or business. Requesting a listening device detection or an electronic bug detection can expose various amounts of spyware that is concealed within normal products. For example, these types of devices could be a charger for a cellphone or computer with the capability to power your technology and spy on you at the same time, smoke detectors that will function properly, and listening devices that can be installed into products you welcome into your home like [...]

Do I Need to Hire a Private Investigator?

Life Happens…sometimes we oversee our path and other times we are influenced by choices made by others. When situations arise out of our control and cannot be handled from within, we reach out for help. can be that source to help with life-changing matters. 10 Reasons You May NOT Need to Hire a Private Investigator You are not Married or involved in a relationship You are not being harassed or stalked You have not engaged in a workplace relationship You do not own a cell phone, computer or drive a car You are not adopted and if you are you do not care to know your biological parents You do not have any children, or you have not put a child up for adoption You [...]

And If Hiding Assets Wasn’t Bad Enough, He Also Bugged Her Phone

It was on a rainy day in March when Cleo realized something just wasn’t right with her phone.  She had been on various websites throughout the day looking for ideas for her newest project and the phone kept getting bogged down; this was the way she described how slow the phone reacted to surfing the web.  She also stated at times the phone would get hot to the touch and the battery life kept getting shorter and shorter, even though she had made sure the battery was almost drained before charging it. When Cleo brought the phone to our office she informed us she was in the middle of a child custody case and was sure her ex-husband had a hand in the mysterious events [...]

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