Background Check

Situations and Ways of Obtaining Background Check Information; Is it Ethical?

Whenever there is an election year, a downward spiral in our economy, and a potentially dangerous outbreak, such as the coronavirus, we are all affected.  We hold on to the reporter’s words, we fact find and we communicate our concerns with one another.  The water cooler talk at work is topic-specific depending on what is happening in the world.  We are so focused on what may or may not affect us regarding world events, we let our guards down regarding day to day life.  All we want is to protect our families, our jobs, and make sure that we take every precaution to avoid any type of catastrophe. Basically, we attempt to take measures to avoid being negatively affected. Searching for answers is what we [...]

Why To Hire A Professional To Perform A Personal Background Check When You Can Find “All Of The Info” Online Yourself?

Life gives us choices, to remain single, to get married, to buy that business, to obtain a degree or choose a life career, and in each life choice there are situations and circumstances that may arise that create doubt, the need to find the truth. I blog a lot about truth! It’s my area of my expertise being a private investigator. I have been single; I have been married and I have started a business and with all, I have had the opportunity to easily find the answers to my questions or concerns. I had the tools to determine what was true and what was not. Not so different as being an electrician and fixing wiring problems, or a plumber and unclogging a sink, a [...]

Garbage In…Garbage Out: Why Providing Accurate Information to Your Private Investigator Gets You The Results You Need

Before we begin a case, we conduct preliminary research to make sure the information provided by the Client is accurate.  Most often, the information is good, but there are times the Client may transpose a number, forget a birthday or have an approximate year of birth, may not have the Subject’s social security number or any other mitigating factor that would hinder our investigation and not produce the best results. If we are to locate an individual or find a missing heir, the information needed may not be available to our Client. Before conducting surveillance, we run the Subject through our Database(s) that are only accessible by licensed investigators for accuracy. People move, they buy new vehicles, they gain or lose weight, dye their hair, [...]

Investigations: Fact or Fiction

Our results are the truth: Is what we think we see or what we have heard or the way we feel fact or fiction? Investigations are conducted to uncover the truth. A Background Check to learn about an individual, Surveillance to observe activity, Polygraph or VSA for deception, Forensic Analysis for malware and extraction of data, Asset Search for hidden funds or net worth are conducted when finding the truth matters. We want to know if our spouse, boyfriend, significant other is faithful, and if not, we want them to have the courage to be honest about their activities, but that isn’t always the case. How do we find the answers? We want our children to be safe when we drop them off at daycare, [...]

Don’t Allow the Internet to Make Your Hiring Process Complicated

The internet is a pretty nifty tool, type in a question and you will get multiple results. “How To” and “DIY” are very popular and the “how to” sites are endless. You can find the answers to any question or you can watch a video for instructions. For entertainment purposes, now you can find a site that can tell you just about anything about a person, but it is not the correct path to obtain verified information. After inputting the requested search criteria, which is usually only a name, you then must provide your Credit Card Information before you get the results? Paying $29.99 to find anyone, their criminal history, their marriage records, their email and residential address, relatives and associates is inaccurate and probably [...]

What About Bob?

We live in a crazy world and these are wild times. Listen to the news. I may view things a bit differently than you, but at least twice a newscast, I think “they should have checked out their employees a bit more carefully.” Sure, nowadays, every company has their employees sign an authorization form for a background check, but is the information you are buying legitimate?  Is it verified?  Is it TRUE?  Information is everywhere, and we all have access to it.  I’m baffled by the amount of MISINFORMATION that is sold by the megabyte. Let’s make an example out of Bob. Bob’s looking for a job.  His resume is to your liking, the education, the work history, the overseas humanitarian efforts, even his charitable [...]

It Felt Right until it Didn’t

When our Client engaged our services, he gave us some background on his son. Both he and his wife were very proud of their son’s choice of friends and extracurricular activities. Some might say he had a good head on his shoulders. After graduating from college, he enrolled in a trade school. Just a few months after classes started, he brought home a date for a family dinner. His date appeared to be friendly, but something about her didn’t sit well with either of his parents. Later in the month during a father/son outing, his son made an odd remark about his new girlfriend, she had a car, but didn’t drive, she talked about her friends, but he had yet to meet the man she [...]

When You Are Wrongly Accused?

My Client, George, who has had a life partner (Mary) for over 20 years, was falsely accused of the mistreatment of her. And the accuser, a relative of Mary’s, appeared to be somewhat believable. Was it out of jealousy, monetary reasons or just their belief that their mother was being cared for by my Client, a man whose commitment to Mary did not include a “License”. The accuser had actually made several statements she held a license in healthcare and knew what was best for her mother. My Client was adamant he provided the best care possible, but the accusations made against him were compounding, allegations of improper feeding, over medicating and unsanitary conditions and he had come to the conclusion he could not disprove [...]

Pete and Repeat Hired the Wrong Employee

We have Clients who have shared their experiences in hiring employees for their company.  The first line is “You wouldn’t believe what this employee did?  We had no idea they were remotely engaged in that activity.  They interviewed so well”. Although we hate to hear this, we are very familiar with a hiring practice that does not include background research.  With an unemployment rate as of July 2018 at 3.9% employers are finding it difficult to fill positions.  And as a small business owner with less than 50 employees, health insurance to the employee is not a requirement, which makes the hiring process even more difficult for an employer. As a result of just those two factors, employers tend to overlook one of the most [...]

There is Light in the Darkness of a Marriage, You Just Have to Open Your Eyes

We recently got a call for a request for lie detection testing due to a spy on cell case.  According to Luann, her husband of 20 years had been unfaithful for years.  She was certain he had installed some type of cell spyware on her phone so that he could determine where she was, allowing him the opportunity to meet up with his lover.  She also inquired into a cheating spouse investigator watching where he goes and with whom he spends his free time with.  She even accused him of stashing away money so he could spend it on his girlfriend and wanted a financial investigation completed.  She also accused him of employee embezzlement.  Her frustration level was high and she demanded immediate results as [...]

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