We recently got a call for a request for lie detection testing due to a spy on cell case. According to Luann, her husband of 20 years had been unfaithful for years. She was certain he had installed some type of cell spyware on her phone so that he could determine where she was, allowing him the opportunity to meet up with his lover. She also inquired into a cheating spouse investigator watching where he goes and with whom he spends his free time with. She even accused him of stashing away money so he could spend it on his girlfriend and wanted a financial investigation completed. She also accused him of employee embezzlement. Her frustration level was high and she demanded immediate results as she was planning a consultation with an attorney in the near future.
We immediately determined this was going to be a case that needed to be discussed thoroughly so that a plan of action and a good direction could be determined.
Luann stated her husband would not take a polygraph examination (lie detection) test, so we took that off the table. We ultimately recommended a cell phone spyware analysis be conducted upon her personal phone in an attempt to determine if in fact any type of spyware for mobile phones had been installed. Our cell phone forensic investigation proved without a doubt her phone was free from any type of spyware or malware. We began to wonder if she was under so much stress that she was imagining malicious activity or if what she said had any merit. Maybe he was cheating and maybe he had hidden assets, as the two usually go hand in hand. After a couple of weeks conducting surveillance, we did learn he was indeed meeting a young lady after work several times a week, mostly at a small restaurant in a nearby city. After obtaining the license plate number of the unknown woman, we were able to obtain information about her. She was 19 years old, attending a local college and currently residing with her mother. Our Client was shocked; he was seeing a girl the same age as his daughter. Luann immediately filed for divorce, provided our work product to her attorney and thanked us for a job well done. For most investigations, our job was done at that point, but later, we received a call from Luann’s attorney, who was asking for us to conduct a thorough background check upon the mother of the girl Luann’s husband had been observed with. We learned that prior to their marriage; her husband had a one night stand with an old girlfriend and had learned a few years ago he had fathered a child from that night. He was just in the beginning stage of getting to know her, learn about her life and was assisting her with her education and our investigation expedited his process in how to tell his wife.
Sometimes, when you believe the darkest about someone, it isn’t always as it seems.
– Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations,
– Brenda McGinley, Director of Operations,