All you have to do is sit in a coffee shop or lunchtime dining spot to hear that sensitive business information is being discussed. It may not be about a top secret merger or a hot new product, but information about how a company does business and who their customers are is bantered about in casual discussions.

And with the proliferation of ILLEGAL spyware available on the Internet, cell phone spying is becoming more and more a problem. Here at , our mobile phone forensics team is being asked to conduct cell phone spyware detection for more and more businesses.

Cell phone monitoring is most often regarded as a way for someone in a relationship to keep tabs on their partner, or in a stalking situation. But cell phone eavesdropping is one more way that corporate spies are conducting industrial espionage.

Not only can someone install spyware that will allow them to see texts and emails and hear telephone conversations, the spyware can also allow bad guys to listen in on conversations within earshot of the victimized cell phone making it a mobile spy. That cell phone spy is not limited to lunchtime chats, but in the office, it could be privy to many work discussions as it lies innocently on a worker’s desk.

What should you watch out for?

  • Odd noises like clicks
  • Hearing voices or sounds in the background during a call (like the old party lines – you could be hearing sounds in their background)
  • The phone battery is hot
  • The phone requires more frequent charging

In a proactive move many businesses are conducting cellular phone forensics on a regular basis for the phones they issue to employees.

Of course, the only way to be certain for sure whether your cell phone has been targeted is to have a mobile phone forensic analysis completed by a cell phone forensics expert technician. in Indianapolis was one of the first cell phone forensic labs in the nation. With years of broad investigative knowledge and experience with mobile forensic tools, cell phone hack detection is a specialty service we provide nationwide. Contact us to help you ensure your business is protected.

-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations