Employers hire people with the best of intentions. They hope the new employees will become loyal and exemplary representatives of the organization. But sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way.

Take for instance the case of a middle school teacher in Downers Grove, Illinois. According to a Chicago Tribune article, the teacher has resigned and given up her teaching certificate after it was discovered she had explicit photos of herself on her computer at school. There is an investigation underway as to whether or not the photos were shared with any minors.

Whenever employers suspect covert or criminal activity by an employee, one of the first places to look is their computer. A computer forensic investigator can complete a computer forensics electronic discovery that will provide several types of information:

  • Data thought to be “deleted”
  • A history of activity
  • Uncover “hidden” files and images
  • Internet search history

A computer forensics expert is trained in specific software and protocol that ensures data retrieved is admissible as evidence if needed. The  forensic computer tech can then serve as a computer forensic expert witness and testify as to both the data and information found on the computer as well as the protocol to preserving evidence.

Computer forensic services are often requested when an employee is suspected of financial or criminal activity. A computer forensic investigation by a professional not only ensures preservation of evidence, but is completed by an objective third party who reports the facts, not an interpretation of the data.

That objectivity of computer forensic experts is a valuable tool for attorneys in both the defense of a client or the efforts to prove guilt.

offers the services of both computer forensics investigators as well as computer forensic consulting services. Establishing policies and procedures before a situation arises can make it known that a computer forensic examination will be performed when deemed necessary. An ounce of prevention may deter some undesirable activity on your organization’s equipment.

-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations