Informed Decisions Begin with Objective Computer Forensics AnalysisAlthough computer forensics analysis is often used as a spyware detector and for spyware removal, there are many other reasons someone might look for computer forensic services.

For instance, one very wet, drippy day a woman knocked on the door here at . She came in and sat down and it was apparent that she would have appeared equally as dreary on a bright sunny day.

She explained the conditions in her household. Conditions we have heard before:

  • Verbally abusive husband
  • Husband controls computer usage and locks it with a password only he can access
  • Storage areas, cabinets or closets that are locked and he alone has access
  • Her paycheck is direct deposited into a marital account and he moves a portion of that into an  unknown individual account in his name (or an also-known-as name)

She explained that she was at a point where she had to make some very important decisions for herself and her children and she needed help to get the information so she could make the decision that was best for them.

She spent time with our computer forensic specialist and the forensic investigator detailing what information she wanted to find off the family computer. She asked if it was possible for a computer forensic investigation to be completed on a computer that was password protected. (It is.) We agreed to a day and time for her to return with the computer and hand it over to start the digital forensics.

The outcome was that we found the financial activity she expected to find. She politely thanked the computer forensics investigator, put the laptop into its case and quietly walked out the door.

We don’t know what her decision was in the end, but we do know we were able to give her the information she needed to make a decision. Computer forensics experts working for computer forensics firms do their jobs without judgment and objectively. Clients count on that.

-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations