Social Security Numbers used to be issued from the state you applied and/or your parents applied for on your behalf. To file taxes, be reported as a dependent, work in the US, used as identification, open a bank account, apply for credit an SSN (Social Security Number) is required. The first three numbers of a social security number at one time represented the state it was issued. Now, numbers are in a random pool and the first three numbers do not indicate an issuing state. If the first three (3) digits are “000”, “666” or in the “900” series, it is an invalid social security number. If any portion of the social security number contains all “0’s”, such as 000-12-1234, 11-00-1234 or 111-11-0000 the social security number is invalid. The social security number beginning with “700” was issued for employees covered by the railroad. These numbers were issued in 1936 and stopped being issued in 1950. Any person claiming to have an SSN beginning with a “7” after the year of 1950 is misreporting. Currently there are no social security numbers above “772” as of the day this blog was created.
I have been working a case for a Client who has a connection with an individual who is a possible illegal alien working in the US, specifically in the state of Indiana and is utilizing two (2) different social security numbers. One social security number has never been issued and the second social security number was issued 19 years ago to a female child. Although he has not used this social security number to open any financial accounts his connection to it has a path that has followed him from one state to another for many years as it was not possible to determine the time frame he began using the number, as we did not determine when he actually entered the US. The mother of the child was contacted and informed her daughter’s SSN was being utilized by a 50-year-old man from Mexico. He had never lived in the state the young girl resides, he has no connection to their family or friends and he either purchased the number around the time it was issued to the child knowing the number would not be used for many years, with the exception of being filed as a dependent on her parents taxes or he was advised on how to pick an SSN that would go under the radar for a long time.
This Subject has family members outside of Indiana and they too are linked to social security numbers that have never been issued. All his family members are utilizing an invalid social security number beginning with 932.
As an employer, it is important to verify a perspective employee’s SSN and/or if they have ever been linked to another SSN. A background search can be as simple as an SSN Trace. The results of an SSN Trace can determine when the number was issued, the possible state that issued the number, if the individual is linked to any other SSN’s and if the number is valid. Many results in the course of our research or investigation determine links to that individual’s Social Security Number. This could be a spouse or child, especially if the child is named after the father. It is not an indicator that the SSN is being misused.
If you suspect your SSN has been compromised, we highly suggest calling the Credit Reporting Agencies to determine how to proceed. You can also call the Federal Trade Commission to report the misue. The name and contact number for each Agency is:
Equifax – 1-800-525-6285
Trans Union – 1-800-680-7289
Experian – 1-888-397-3742