Computer Forensic Analysts Provide Factual and Objective Data When computer forensics investigators extract data, it is handled completely objectively. Many times, we don’t know the implications of what is – or is not – found in the data. We compile the information and turn it over to the client. That’s just the way it is with computer forensics analysis.

For example, was involved in a computer forensics investigation in regard to an engineering firm. The attorney representing the firm provided us with parameters and lists of words to identify the information they were seeking.

Our computer forensics expert extracted the data based on those parameters. Just like procedures in medical or other scientific labs, there is a specific protocol that must occur.

First, computer forensics experts follow the modus operandi that make the extracted data admissible as evidence in court. It is the specific processes and use of technical software that ensures security and accuracy in the extraction process.

Then the extracted data undergoes a computer forensics analysis to home in on the data that meets the specific parameters requested. This can take the computer forensic investigator several hours to accomplish. It requires attention to minute details.

In this case, once this step was completed, the computer forensics investigator turned the resulting data over to the attorney handling the case for the engineering company.

The evidence we provided through forensic computer analysis confirmed the suspicions of the company executives that former employees had provided highly confidential corporate information to competitors prior to their leaving the firm. They pursued a lawsuit against the former employees and the competitor.

In this instance, the attorney and firm wanted to know whether they had a case against the former employees so they knew how to proceed. Our computer forensics investigators were able to provide the answer to their question.

We didn’t know the purpose of the investigation at the outset, we just provided the data. From that factual information, attorneys and their clients are able to make decisions based on true facts and can make informed decisions.

As computer forensic experts, we just do our job – accurately and objectively.

-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations