You would think calls to regarding car arson would be from an insurance company representative saying that arson was expected regarding a claim. But experienced investigators never jump to a conclusion – they listen to the whole story before moving forward.
And since investigates so many different cases, they know there are many directions a call can go.
This particular story began with the attorney representing the accused. Sure enough, the insurance company wanted to deny a claim because of arson and the municipal police investigating were supporting the District Attorney’s decision to prosecute the car owner for arson – with insurance fraud charges on top of that.
There was no need to be concerned about getting the accused man’s cell phone, he was happy to provide it. But there was still the need to go through the legal process for cell records. Subpoena language for cell records must be accurate and correct for each specific carrier to prevent delays or the destruction of critical evidence.
In this instance, cellular location evidence would be critical. Using cellular phone forensics and cellular tower triangulation, the investigator would possibly be able to pinpoint the location of the phone owner – the man accused of the arson.
With a call history from the carrier and testimony of people receiving or making calls to the phone, the investigator can piece together one aspect of the truth. That being that the cell phone user had possession of the phone.
He then uses cell tower location and cellphone tracking of use to geographic locate the cell phone during the time the arson was to have taken place. Mobile phone forensic analysis keeps everything in the proper order to ensure accuracy and eliminate errors.
Critical cell phone forensic tools in the hands of professionals like mean that the proper protocol is followed so the evidence collected can be used in court. In fact, the are not only cellsite witnesses, but are also able to provide cell phone forensic protocol and phone forensic software testimony.
The cellular forensics provided evidence that the man was not near the vehicle when the fire occurred.
-Brenda McGinley, CEO, All in Investigations, All in Investigations