It’s a familiar post on Facebook, for those of us that still have an account, that Negative Information (Not Politically incorrect), I mean Negative: focused on what is bad or lacking is shared more often than a positive post? What about Negative Reviews? When someone is impacted by an act or words they cannot accept or feel they have been wronged by someone or something, it is more common for them to report negative reviews than positive? Why do we feel the need to share negative events and situations more than positive publicly?
In business, positive reviews are helpful, oftentimes it is the path to connect with that business. When a negative review is posted, how does that effect consumers regarding that business? If there are 10 positive reviews and one or two negative ones, do we judge solely on those two? Or do we take into consideration that not everyone is going to be head over heels with our products or services and/or how much of that review is the truth or a one-sided opinion? The Investigative Field is much like a Negative Post on Social Media or a Negative Review on Google or Yelp. There are basically three sides to every story, his/hers and the truth. And the truth can fall anywhere in between.
When working an Investigative Case I hear the negative! “He/She Done Me Wrong”, and that is the nature of the investigative world. People don’t call upon us because their life is wonderful, and they want to find out why it’s so wonderful. They call because a negative event, situation, post, review, action has occurred in their lives. Do we work the case to find the positive, no, we don’t! We work the case to figure out if in fact there is or is not any truth to the “negative”.
A blog should be informational, helpful and full of ideas. Sometimes it is humorous, insightful, and used to make you think about the message. It’s a compilation of words used to educate the reader on a topic or field. My field is Investigations. I start with negative information and seek a path in finding a positive solution.
I may be assisting an attorney in a criminal case or a civil case. Are the facts they have been presented true and accurate? Are the events provided to them real or opinions?
It can be assisting a mother to locate a child placed for adoption or a child looking for a parent who gave up parental rights.
I work with companies who have employees that have embezzled money, filed false claims of harassment and/or determined if there is any validity to the claim. Employees who have taken advantage of PTO, faked an injury or assisted in the determination of which employee had an involvement in creating a negative workplace or has created ties with a competitor.
All these cases begin in a negative direction, but when the truth is determined, the attorney, the business owner, the mother or child can then take the right steps to a more positive outcome.