Asset and Financial Investigations are conducted for the purpose of determining if an individual or a Corporation/Company/Business are hiding assets (property or money). Asset Investigations are requested when there is Civil Litigation and or Criminal Proceeding in progress for Divorce, Embezzlement or Judgment. The search is conducted on an individual or a company. The search criteria are specific by Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number for an individual and Company Name and EIN for a Corporation, Organization or Business, or if the business owner’s social security number is linked to the financial institution. The searches can be conducted State by State or Nationwide. An attorney will often request this search to determine if the Defendant/Respondent is hiding assets or has assets they can attach for their Client and/or prior to filing any formal litigation.
For attorneys who represent their client’s on a contingency basis this initial search can either prove to be effective for the Client or determine there isn’t enough assets to proceed. In Divorce cases, one spouse may be hiding assets and not reporting accounts or property to the court. It is not uncommon for a spouse to have the opportunity or time to establish accounts, purchase property or open a retirement fund without the knowledge of their partner ahead of any divorce proceedings. It is not uncommon for one partner to be so disconnected from the relationship and want little to do with their spouse/significant other, they resort to hurting them financially.
have worked with multiple Law Firms to help their Clients get what is entitled to them. Asset searches are important for Embezzlement Cases when an employee has been stealing funds from their employer for a period of time and transferring that money into an unknown account that the employer is unaware of. An employee will transfer funds from the company into a private account or utilize a company credit card for personal use. We worked a case that an employee accessed the owner of the company’s personal retirement account due to the fact these accounts are rarely checked for balances. When a judgement has been filed, the majority of the time there are no accounts known to the Plaintiff, and it is in the best interest of their attorney to locate them.
It must be known that due to the confidentiality of this type of case a Law Firm must make the request and the results are provided to that Law Firm and/or Attorney.
~Brenda J. McGinley, CEO, , all in InvestigationsAll in Investigations.