Monthly Archives: August 2019

Can “Negative Information” create a Positive Result?

It’s a familiar post on Facebook, for those of us that still have an account, that Negative Information (Not Politically incorrect), I mean Negative:  focused on what is bad or lacking is shared more often than a positive post?  What about Negative Reviews?  When someone is impacted by an act or words they cannot accept or feel they have been wronged by someone or something, it is more common for them to report negative reviews than positive?  Why do we feel the need to share negative events and situations more than positive publicly? In business, positive reviews are helpful, oftentimes it is the path to connect with that business.  When a negative review is posted, how does that effect consumers regarding that business?  If there [...]

Investigations: Fact or Fiction

Our results are the truth: Is what we think we see or what we have heard or the way we feel fact or fiction? Investigations are conducted to uncover the truth. A Background Check to learn about an individual, Surveillance to observe activity, Polygraph or VSA for deception, Forensic Analysis for malware and extraction of data, Asset Search for hidden funds or net worth are conducted when finding the truth matters. We want to know if our spouse, boyfriend, significant other is faithful, and if not, we want them to have the courage to be honest about their activities, but that isn’t always the case. How do we find the answers? We want our children to be safe when we drop them off at daycare, [...]

Unreported Marital Assets and How to Find Them

Long ago, believe it or not, a housewife was given an allowance to purchase household goods and groceries. Let’s say the monthly allotment was $200.00 and the household goods and grocery shopping combined came to $185.00. The extra $15.00 was put into a secret spot to be used later for whatever reason. Years go by and the “secret savings” amounted to over a couple thousand dollars. Only she knew about the money. It was hers to be used as she pleased, maybe a new dress, the beginning of a college fund for the kids or as a luxury treat. Fast forward decades later. This time, it’s the husband who has the “secret savings” but not tucked under a mattress or in a jar. He files [...]

When to Investigate AND When Not to Investigate

I am a firm believer in the phrase, “Life Happens”, referencing situations and events that you can and cannot control.  When decisions are made by others that personally affect you, you have two choices:  “Let it Go!” Or take “Action” How do you decide which path to take. I get that question all the time from prospective Clients. They want to know what they can do or if they should do anything. I am far from having the qualifications to provide professional legal or mental advice, but I am certain from years of being a professional investigator qualifies me to provide recommendations and share like case findings and results. To sit back and do nothing may be the most logical option, but if it causes [...]

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